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Damian's POV

As soon as Alfred said those names , I looked at Tim to see of I was in any danger but he was smiling so I guess I'm OK infact every one was smiling .

“ who are they ? " I asked dick

“ they're your sisters " dick said as he and every one began getting up from theirs seats .

“ come on , don't you wanna meet them " well I did wanted to meet them so I also got up from my seat and followed dick .

When we got to the front door  , I saw two girls . one had  blonde hair and the other one had raven hair .

“ how are you two  ?  "   Tim asked them

“ we're fine " the blonde said

“ I thought you weren't going to come till the next week " Bruce asked

“ oh yeah , the mission ended sooner than expected so  we came here early " the blonde said

“ now where's that little guy you told us about  "she asked

“ oh yes , Damian ! Come here " Bruce said looking at me . I slowly walked forward and in front of the girls

“ awwwww ! He's so cuteeee !  and he looks just like you , Bruce !  " the blonde girl said  looking at me “ can I please pick you up " well she did say please . dick always picks me up without my approval so  I nodded at her and she picked me up in her arms

“ hello im stephene , how old are you ? Six ? " she asked

“ he's eight " Bruce said looking at us with a smile

“ huh , isnt he short for his age ? "

“ see brat ! I told you that you're small ! "

“ I'm not small  ! " I said trying to get out of her hold

“ alright ! Sorry ! And Jason don't call him brat . he's not a brat "

“ make me ! " Jason said but I wasn't focusing on their conversation , I was focused on the other girl who was staring at me

“ hello " I said to the other girl and every stopped talking .

“ hi " she said

“ I'm Damian " I said extending my hand for a hand shake .

“ I'm Cass  " she said with a smile as she took my hand and shook it and before I could stop myself I blurted out .

“ your smile is cute " there was silence in the room before every one  started laughing.  my face was red from embarrassment. 

“ wow brat " Jason said wiping a fake tear from his eyes  “ just wow "

“ thank you " Cass said her smile wider than before “ you are cute too "
She said pinching my cheek

“ thanks " I said , still red from embarrassment

“ seriously Bruce " Stephane said “ you should keep him away from our vigilante life  , he's too pure for that stuff "

“ he already said that I'm not going to be a part of that " I said to Stephane

“ really ! Glad to see you finally took a right decision old man " Bruce hung his head at that . I was curious to know what was  she talking about but I stopped myself from saying anything

“ so ! Are you gonna tell us how you met this little fellow" I growled at her at ‘ little fellow '

We spent the rest of the time talking amongst each other and then Bruce told us all to go to sleep .

I woke up  at the sound of my room
door slowly opening , I didnt move or open my eyes knowing who it was . Bruce walked over to my bed . he stopped in front of me and leaned down and kissed my forehead , something he always does before going to patrol

“ good bye , Damian " he said as he softly ran his fingers through my hair . I lifted my head and kissed his cheek and then again laid my head down .

“ bye papa " I felt him froze above And I  Frowned . then the realization of what I said came to me . I lifted my and looked at him . he was looking at me but I couldn't see his expression because it was dark . I switched on the light and i looked at him again  . he had a shocked expression on his face and he looked like he was frozen in time . I waved my hand in front of his eyes , no reaction .

“ Bruce  " I said hopping the mention of his name  will get a reaction out of him . no luck .

“ Bruce " I said a little louder than before .  he still didn't react . I think I broke him , maybe I should call Alfred .

“ Bruce ! "I yelled . thankfully this time I got a reaction  . he blinked his eyes and then looked at me . then he asked

“ what did you say ? "

“ Bruce ? "

“ no , before that "

“ bye ? "

“ no , after that " I paused ,there was no escape Now

“  Sorry " I said looking away from him

“ why are you saying sorry ?  "

“ I shouldn't have called you that "

“ why shouldn't you call me that ? "

“ because I thought you would want to be called ‘ father ' or ‘ dad ' and not that "

“ from where did such an idea came into your mind Damian ? I already told you , you can call me whatever you like  " he said sat on the bed and pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me

  “ did your friends said that ? "

“ no "

“ did someone from your school said that "

“ no "

“ .......... Did your brothers said that "

“ no ! " I said . “ it just sounds very childish " i said hiding my head in his chest

“ no it doesn't "  bruce said as he ran his fingers through my hair “ it sounds like you're very comfortable with me to call me that "

I peeked from his chest “ really ? "

“ yes "

“ so what if I call you dad or father ?will that not sound okay   "

“ no that too will sound okay " I nodded . he then  picked me up and placed me on the bed again . he tucked me  in and kissed my forehead again .

“ good night, son "

“ good night .............. Papa " he smiled and kissed my head one more time before switching off the light . just as he was going out the door I said

“ be safe " and  I knew he was smiling when he said

“ I will "

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