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Damian's POV

I Stared in Talia's eyes with determination . I wanted answers .
She looked in my eyes but with a distant look . she sighed then said
“ alright , Damian . I'm telling you everything but promise me  you won't interrupt in between  " I nodded “ I promise "

She took a deep breath “ alright , when I found out that I was pregnant , I told your father and he was very happy , he began to prepare things for your arrival and what not . but as time went I realized that your father was going to stop being batman to give  you a normal life and I didn't want him to stop being batman so I faked that I miscarriaged . he was devastated . we stopped having any contact and I told him that we shouldn't be together anymore . so he went on his path and I went on mine ...... Then sometime later you were born . life was good , me and your grandfather had so many plans for you . we wanted you to rule the world , to be the new Alexander but then ..... "

“ then what ? " I asked . she looked at me with sad eyes

“ then Slade came . I remember that night clearly . I was trying to get you back to sleep when the screams came I handed you to Ravi and told him to keep you safe . I ran outside to see what was going on and
Saw that the compound was under attack by Slade's soldiers  , I ran to find your grandfather ...... I  found your grandfather dead , his body was   burned so badly that it couldn't be healed by the pit . I called Ravi through the com ms and told him to take you to your father . I evacuated the   compound with some soldiers . I later got the news from Ravi that ...... That they   were under attack and that he wouldn't be able to make it to Gotham  . he told me that he was going to leave you somewhere where you remain safe . it was the last time I  talked to him . after nearly a year I managed to collect  forces and attack Slade and take control of the league again . after taking control I immediately began looking for you and found you in an orphanage  , I was so relieved after finding you thinking that finally every think will be OK but when I looked at you , you were so happy playing with the other kids and you've the brightest smile on your face that I've ever seen and in that moment I realized that you will never be able to smile that way if you stay with me or your father . I didn't want you to grow up  with the pressure that you have to be good enough or to grow up and to think every night lying awake if your father is going to come home alive . so...... I left you praying that someone will give you the life that your father and I can never give " 

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