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Damian's POV

I sighed in releaf . ( that was it ? ) But then the panic hit me again ( no it was just not it ) “ why Gotham academy , I'm fine in my old school "

“ Damian , you can't go to your old school "

“ why not ?"

“ you just can't "

“ but all of my friends are there "

“ you can make new friends at Gotham academy "


“ this conversation is done "I sighed and looked back at my plate ( I didn't want to leave my old friends ) I sighed and ate  my breakfast

Time skip

I looked at the uniform of the school and I decided right at the moment that I didn't like it . I sighed and hanged it in my dresser not wanting to look at it anymore  . I then switched off the lights and laid down in the bed pulling the blanket over me . I'll miss my friends . I didn't even get to say goodbye  in person to them. Then I heard someone coming towards my room  . I quickly shut my eyes not wanting to be caught being up past my bed time  ( my bed time's 10 PM and right now it's 12 AM ) . I heard the sound of doorknob turning and the door opening . the person walked towards me and I identified him as Bruce from his heavy but silent footsteps . he stood over me for some time , breathing heavily as he did . then I felt him leaning down . he kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear

“ I know you're awake ,  sweetheart " I opened my eyes

“ how " I asked as I sat up and switched the lamp near my bed . Bruce didn't say anything as he sat on the bed near me . he was in his batman costume

“ what are you doing up ? " he asked as I shrugged

“ couldn't sleep "

“ nervous about tomorrow ? "

“ maybe "

“ everything will be alright tomorrow , son " I looked up at him

“ what if nobody likes me  "

“ of course they'll like you . what's there about you not to like ? " I looked away from him,  unsure . he sighed and got up and pressed another kiss to my forehead and turned off the lamp . he walked towards the door and stopped before heading out the door

“ good night , son  " he said as he begin to close the door

“ Bruce ! " he stopped “ be safe " he looked at me for a moment before smiling “ I will "

DAMIANWhere stories live. Discover now