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Damian's pov

When I arrived in Gotham I noticed that the city was the opposite of new York where I lived before. The city was dark and gloomy a perfect place for demons to settle down not that the villains here were any less than demons. The people that were taking care of me were Mr and Mrs Jones .
They were a very nice couple. They adored children. They also took care of 3  more foster children .  One of them was Mary the oldest . She was 15. She had trust issues .  No one would blame her . Her parents used to abuse her both mentally and physically. She also had a bad temper.
But Mr and Mrs Jones were the type of people that do not get angry easily . They are patient with her and they  understood her insecurities. The second one is max he is 14 . His parents were shot in front of him when he was young. The third one is the youngest . Her name is  aurora . She is 6 . She is like me her parents abandoned her too that's why we both get along.
Today was my fourth day in Gotham and I was getting ready to go to school. I go to a public school . It is a very good school. All children get along with each other. After taking a bath and changing into some clothes I went down to eat breakfast . I seated
Myself at the small table in kitchen and waited for Mrs Jones to give me my breakfast. She came to me with a big smile“ good morning " she said to me and placed my plate in front of me .  “ Good morning "I replied and began to eat my breakfast. “ Dami! "I looked up to see aurora running down the stairs with a blinding smile , eyes on me . “ Good morning aurora " I said to her she came said the same to Mrs Jones to which she replied  The same and sat in the chair next to me Mrs Jones placed her plate in front of her but she didn't eat right away. “ Good morning Dami! Did you know I had a strange dream last night we were going to see a movie and then- " I spaced her out in favour of eating my breakfast occasionally nodding one or two times. “ Good morning max " I heard Mrs Jones say . I looked up to see max slowly coming down the stairs , dark circles visible under his eyes. He came and sat in the chair next to aurora “ Good morning "
He said “ did you sleep well " Mrs Jones asked after putting his plate in front of him . In  answer  he yawned    “ max " Mrs Jones said worry obvious in her voice “  I slept " he replied not looking at her “ how much" she asked  “ maybe 3 hours " he said  “ max this is not healthy " Mrs Jones said to him . He just hummed and began eating his breakfast. Then  Mary came down.  
“ Good morning" Mrs Jones said to her but she just grumbled. She sat in the seat next to max , Mrs Jones placed her plate in front of her she took out her phone and began scrolling on it while eating .  “ Mary "  warned Mrs Jones “ what " Mary said not looking at her but at the phone. Mrs Jones sighed and then said “ I told you not to use your phone while eating " “ and I told you I can do whatever the hell I want " Mary replied Mrs Jones sighed again and then snatched Mary's phone from her hand .  “ Hey ! "Mary yelled “this is just invasion of privacy"
“ Eat your breakfast "Mrs Jones said  “why is Mary always grumpy?" Aurora asked me “ dunno "I said shrugging. “ Oh my God ! I'm late"
Mr Jones yelled while running down stairs he grabbed an Apple and then was running to the door “ bye kids!" He yelled on his way to the door “ you forgot your lunch box " “ oh yes " Mr Jones said stopping . “ Here "Mrs Jones said giving him his lunch box “ thanks bye darling "he said kissing her and smiling at our face and then ran outside. The rest of the breakfast was spent in silence then Mrs Jones gave us lunch money and wished us a good day at school.

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