Jump-scare (Ronnie Radke)

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im awaken by Andy's sweet voice. I turn and see him standing over my bed with concern written on his face, "yeah, what's wrong?" I yawn. still not fully awake. he sighs and sits on the bed, next to me, "do you know where my razor is?" I sit up. okay. keep your cool Jamie, "n-no..why has it gone missing?" he sighs, "Jamie...im not stupid" he motions torwards my sweater, "its really hot in here... there's no reason to be wearing that..." I scoff, "do you really think I would-" I get cut off, "I know you would...after all this...." I sigh in defeat and look down at my fingers, "im sorry..." he nods tears brimming his eyes, "common....lets go patch you up.."

I nods and stand up. his eyes widen and he blushes lightly, "oh my god Jamie! for one, where's you pants!?, and for two, what the hell! on your legs! there still bleeding! oh my god Jamie..."

I quickly put my pants back on and sits on the bed with my head in my hands. I didn't even care that he saw them. I didn't care about anything. why should I, "I don't even care Andy...let them bleed" I've really lost all hope now..he begins to speak but is interrupted by the door swinging open. its Ronnie.

omg its short sorry. kinda left you on a cliff hanger xD

Jump-scare (Ronnie Radke)Where stories live. Discover now