Jump-scare (Ronnie Radke)

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A few days pasted and it was time for the concert in Orlando. We got to the venue and it was already full of fans. I had never been to Warped tour before let alone be with my favorite band of all time. I wouldn't tell them that...if they didn't already know. Once the bus rolled to a stop we all exited the vehicle to be greeted by the management. They directed us to the stage and told FIR when they'd be performing. Christian and jacky seemed to be getting along very well so she hung with him most of the time. I always just tagged along, following closely behind Ronnie. Ryan looked at me concerned "You okay J?" me and Ryan developed a close relationship, He kinda reminded me of my brother and for some reason he started calling me J. I looked and him and shyly spoke "yeah theres just a lot of people here...I guess im a little nervous.." he smiled "your so shy bro just chill out - w - " I giggled along with Ronnie as he spoke up "Ryan shes not a bro, or at least I hope not.." he looked at my and blinked I smiled and hit his chest lightly "I am not..well...im pretty sure im not.." I playfully looked down my shirt then looked up "yup im not" I smiled and Ryan and Ronnie chuckled like 12 years olds "can I check to be sure?" Ronnie smirked. I acted like I was thinking about it for a second with my hand brushing through my invisible beard "hmm...." Ronnie looked at me in excitement and I smirked "nope" he pouted like a baby causeing me to giggled. we eventually made it to the stage after about 20 minutes of fooling around the venue. After a few bands playing it was time for FIR. Christian and I watched from side stage while they preformed. I looked to the at Christian with the craziest smile. Christian giggled and smiled lightly "you enjoy yourself there?" I chuckled and nodded "more then you know." we just laughed as the band sang their final song and walked off stage. Ronnie hughed me from behind witch made me jump. He chuckled "hey beautiful" I blushed lightly and kissed his cheek "hey Ronnie" we walked to FIRs tent and sat at in the chairs Christian and I sat behind the band watching as they took pictures and sighed albums but to my surprise one asked who I was Ronnie turned to me and smiled "that beautiful girl right there is my girlfriend Jamie" I smiled a waved at the girl she just scoffed "what are you doing with the ugly whore? you should be with me I frowned and looked at the ground. I always was picked on at school so every time someone even laughed looking at my I wanted to cry. Ronnie looked at her "who the fuck do you think you are talking to Jamie like that? I would never even think about date someone like you. Being a fan you should be happy that I found someone. now leave" she looked at him then me and turned around walking away I smiled lightly and he turned around kissing my cheek as I mouthed 'thank you' to him.

Jump-scare (Ronnie Radke)Where stories live. Discover now