Jump-scare (Ronnie Radke)

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Chapter 20

Wow Andy and I are having twins. This is actually scary now...I didn't want a kid in the first place but now i have two. I will love them the same but, I just can't have them right now..and definitely not with Andy. It's not him. I love him, I really do. But just not this way. Once we are back in the car he smiles, "we're having twins! Wow.." I look at him and wonder for a few seconds, "I want an abortion" he stops the car in the parking lot and stares forward not speaking for a few seconds, "what the hell Jamie! How could you say that!" I feel myself getting angry. Its not his choice. Its mine. And his a little but I'm the woman so I win, "Andy I'm only 18 I can't have twins this young...I won't.." he leans back in his seat and groans, "Jamie I can't let you do that..they're my babys too..." I loose my temper, "LOOK! I said I don't want kids! And especially with someone I don't love! I can't do this Andy!" He stares at me and tears form in his eyes. He really does love me. I felt bad for being so mean about it, "I-Im sorry...im just really stressed out...Andy I can't have kids..not now..please understand" he sighs and wipes his face then looks back at the road, "okay...fine whatever. I'll take you to Ronnie. Your stuff will be there in a few hours." I frown and cross my arms looking forward. Not daring to speak. This is hard for him, I know that much. He was excited. We finally arrived at the FIR house and Ronnie was already outside talking to some policemen. I overheard the conversation the police man said, "someone reported seeing a man vandalizing a nearby gas station. I was wondering if you had anything to do with that?" Ronnie replied, "no sir, I was waiting for my pregnant girlfriend to get home from the doctor to see the gender of her baby- there she is now!" Ronnie pointed to me. The cop looked at me and back at Ronnie, "doesn't the father usually go with?" Ronnie got aggravated, "I'm not the father sir" the cop looked at me with a judging stare, "mhm,...is that marijuana I smell?" We all looked at each other, "no sir" Ronnie said, "now if you don't mind, I'd like to hear the news from my girlfriend" the cop looked around one last time then walked back to his car. We waited for him to go the went back inside. "That was weird" I said as I sat on the couch next to Ronnie. Ronnie sighed, "I have a record and tattoos babe, I'm the first one they come to when theres a crime nearby" I totally understood. My father had the same problem. He was in and out his whole life. I kiss Ronnie on the cheek, "well...I'm having twins" Ronnie gasped, "wow.." I paused then told him my plans, "I don't want them. I want an abortion..." he frowned and furrowed his brows, "w-what? Why?"

Jump-scare (Ronnie Radke)Where stories live. Discover now