Jump-scare (Ronnie Radke)

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I woke up in Ronnies arms. I turned to look at him. He was so cute when was sleeping "Good morning cutie" He smiled. I didnt realize I was watching him sleep. I smirked "Good morning asshole" he laughed and kissed my nose before getting up "love you too"....did he just say he loved me?.....or was he just joking.....I blushed lightly and followed him "Is there anywhere I can take a shower?" he pointed to the bathroom "yeah, In there" I walked in then realized I didnt have clothes "uhh...I don't have anything to wear" he went in his bag and pulled out some purple skinny jeans and a black tank top with a purple bleeding heart on it "uhh here...these were my exgirlfriends...she left them here...you can wear them for now and ill take you shopping later" I hugged him "okay thank you" I kissed his cheek and went into the bathroom. The shower was very small with a glass sliding door that was blurred so you couldn't see much through it. I took my clothes off and got in the shower. there was one bottle of 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner. I squeezed a small amount on my hand and rubbed it in my hair. It smelt like Ronnie. I loved it. after I rinsed my hair I herd a knock on the door followed by someone walking in. I panicked at first then Ronnies spoke up "Don't worry babe its just me. I have to get ready too" I blushed and continued my shower. after I was done I turned off the water "uhh Ronnie can you hand me a towel and my clothes" I herd him open a cabinet and soon enough he slid the glass door open a crack and handed me a towel I took it followed by my clothes "thanks" I murmured he continued getting ready and mumbled while shaving "no problem babe" I put the clothes on witch fit perfectly. I got out of the shower and stood next to him blow drying my hair dark brown hair. I then grabbed the flat iron and straighten my bangs to go off to the side and hair sprade them so they would stay. I had to part my hair to the side because of my shaved patch of hair on the right side witch was getting long beacuse I was growing it out. It was about two or three inches long and since I was a national blonde I needed to dye it again. after I was done teasing my hair i moved on to my make up witch I didnt have so I just used Ronnies eyeliner. We both soon finished getting ready and walked into the living room then sat on the couch. Ronnie looked at me "So do you want to go to the mall?" I shruged "sure, are the boys coming?" he shook his head "no they went out to get some breakfast" I didn't even notice they weren't here. I was to focused on Ronnie. I giggled "shit, I didn't even notice they were gone" he smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me up with him as he stood "your so adorable" he kissed my lips then lead me outside to his car. I assume he rented it for the time he was in Florida. he opened the door for me and I got in the passenger side and hr jogged to the drivers side and we drove to the mall. Once we got there we went straight to Hot Topic. I got two Falling In Reverse shirts, two Black Veil Brides shirts, One Blood On The Dance Floor shirt, three Blink 182 shirts, one Green day shirt, two pairs of black skinny jeans, one pair of white skinny jeans, one pair of blue skinny jeans, two pairs of red ripped skinny jeans, two pairs of black tights, one pair of black leather tights, a Falling In Reverse bracelet, a Sleep in With Sirens bracket, a Black Veil Brides lanyard, some make-up, and a new pair of black combat boots that were zipped to my mid calf with silver studs. We left to go to the food court and were walking past a salon and I remembered that i need my hair redyed "Ronnie....uhh...I know you already bought me so much...but would it be okay If I got my hair done?" he looked at me and smiled "Of course you can you can babe, whatever you want" he lead me to the salon and made an appointment "okay so we have one hour till your appointment" he smiled "lets go get something to eat" I nodded and he grabbed my hand walking out of the salon and to the food court. once we got there he looked at me "so what do you want?" I looked around "whatever you want im not really hungry" witch wasn't true. I was starving. but I didnt want to eat I was already fat enough. I was bulimic. whenever I ate I felt gross and I couldn't keep it in. Ronnie nodded "so...Subway?" I smiled lightly and nodded and we walks over to the counter. The girl that worked there had bright red hair and a lip piercing. oh and she was also my best friend Christian. as soon as she saw me she smiled and screamed "JAMIE!?" i smiled "hey Christian" she leaned on the counter and looked at Ronnie who was standing next to me. Her eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped "Your Ronnie Radke!" Ronnie smiled "heheh yep. so are you and Jamie are friends?" she smiled "hell yeah. she only like my best friend in the world" she giggled. Ronnie smiled and leaned down to me cause he was about three inches taller. he then whispered in my ear "you want her to come with us on for the rest of warp tour?" my eyes lit up and a large smile grew on my face "hell yeah!" he chuckled and shoot up straight looking at Christian "Do you want to come with us for the rest of warp tour so Jamie will have someone to hang out with?" she smiled "of course! my shift end in two hours im on vacation for the rest of the summer. ill meet you guys outside!" Ronnie nodded then ordered himself a foot long meatball sub and I got a six inch turkey sub. we sat at a table and he began to eat while I took a bite and put it down not being able to eat anymore. He noticed I wasn't eating "you need to eat babe" he frowned. I looked at the ground "im not hungry.." he lifted my head to look at him "please eat" I frowned then nodded and picked up my sub eating it. after we were done he looked at the time on his phone "We should be getting to your appointment" we both stood up I looked around for a bathroom and spotted one by the Subway "im gonna use the restroom first" he nodded and kissed my forehead "ok be quick we don't want to be late" I nodded and quickly walked to the bathroom and into a stall and droped to my knees vomiting up the sub I just ate. I herd the stall door open (because I was to stupid to lock it) and Christian yelled "Jamie?! What the hell?! I fucking go to the bathroom on break to see you do this again?! you promised you would stop!" I  turned around and stood up and hugged Christian tightly holding In sobs "i-im sorry I couldn't keep it in..." she hugged me back then pulled away and gently dragged me to the sink and wiped my face with a paper towel "its okay...but don't do it again or ill kill you!" she said trying to at serious but giggled a bit. I giggled to and washed my mouth out with water getting the taste out of my mouth "okay I promise. now I have to go see you later" I quickly walked back to Ronnie and we walked to the salon for my appointment. I decided I wanted blue hair with a black strip underneath and the shaved part black. Once it was done I walked to the front where Ronnie was waiting. When he saw me he smiled and stood up "damn girl you look hot as hell!" he chuckled I smiled and kissed him "thank you" it was time to meet Christian at the front of the mall. We picked her up and walked back to the car and stopped by Christians apartment so she could get some clothes then we went back to the bus.

Jump-scare (Ronnie Radke)Where stories live. Discover now