So at about three in the morning he walked downstairs quietly. He still didn't know the house too well so he had to turn on a light.

He made his way into the kitchen on shaky legs, and found the pill cabinet quickly. He took his Ambien; which never really worked, but it was the least damaging hypnotic. The rest of his pills weren't unpacked yet so there were little in there.

He poured three into his hand, one too many, before throwing them to the back of his throat and swallowing. He's done this for quite some time, he doesn't hardly ever need a drink to do it with anymore.

His body is obviously drained, but sleep wasn't reaching his eyes. Was it school? Was he nervous? Most likely, but it was everyone's first day of school too. He was hoping nobody was going to know him as the new kid.

Harry hopped onto the counter and spent the majority of the night laying down on it, scrolling through Twitter. There wasn't anything interesting, but he spent his time looking through and memorising all the trending's.

By the time he got back into his room he felt a little more tired. Either the pills must've been working, or maybe it was the fact the time was now at five-twenty in the morning.

He groaned and laid himself down on his bed, face first, arms spread like a starfish.

The room was not unpacked, he just had his boxes everywhere. Only thing he decided to unpack was his bed comforters and pillows, along with his alarm clock that would go off in about an hour.

What if he didn't make any friends? What if as soon as he gets there people already know he's a freak? His fingers churned around his pillow tightly, burying his face into the same object.

He wanted to scream but that would wake up his mum and sister. All he could do was silently cry, choking back his sobs to try and suppress any noise. Crying always helped him go to sleep, it drained him the most. Till eventually he was able to pass out.

Waking up was no surprise, it felt like minutes he had been asleep.

"Ready for your first day?" His head turned towards the doorway to see Anne, a smile played on his lips as he sat up.

He brushed his curly fringe out of his face and yawned. Before they moved he got a haircut. It was only enough to curl at the top of his ears; so he wasn't completely drowning in the mess of it.

"No. No, not really." His response was the same thing from the previous day.

Anne just gave him a smile before it immediately dropped. Harry grew confused until Anne stepped toward him a bit. "How'd you sleep?" Harry glanced around her to see Gemma making her way down the stairs. He didn't want her to worry.


Anne stayed for a couple more minutes, until she gave him another solemn smile and walked off.

Quickly, Harry got out of bed, almost tumbling to the ground but regaining balance, and walked into his restroom. He had unpacked those stuff yesterday, luckily, so he brushed his teeth and washed his face.

After taking a piss and washing his hands, he changed into some grey sweatpants and a maroon hoodie. He didn't want to stand out too much.

He hurried outside and jumped into Gemma's car, too late to eat breakfast.

"How's college?" Harry raised a brow at her as she drove.

She shrugged, turning out of the neighbourhood. "Fun. Don't have to worry about people in college. They're all just doing their own thing." Harry nodded, sort of wishing he was already in college by now. Though part of him knew he wouldn't last. College was too much of a responsibility with his predicament.

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