Chapter 12- By Unicron, frag these prophecies

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(February 22, 2008 AD)

(Location- Gila Claw Desert, Arizona)

(3rd Person POV)

"Ah, morning Blackshadow" said Thalia

"Greetings" replied Blackshadow

"Why have we stopped?" asked Annabeth

"Dumb question but the answer is low on fuel so we will have to pass the land without water- sorry?" replied Blackshadow

The four questers got off his alternate form and he transformed then mass shifted before turning to his humanoid form

(Dave's POV)

"Well, let's go"

"Did I see a machine become a regular person?" said Phoebe

"Yes, you did" said Zoe before I started slurping Dark Energon and felt recharged

"What an unusual liquid?" commented Phoebe

The questers began their overland journey before stumbling to see an abandoned taco shop before interrupted by a limo

"Ares" said Zoe


"My father is here" said Phoebe

"Greetings, sister" said Ares

"Indeed, greetings to you- Lord Ares" said Thalia

"Hoy, war god say it or leave it"

"Fine, enter the limo" said Ares

(Thalia's POV)

Well shit- it's Aphrodite

"That is not nice" mused Aphrodite

"Well around camp- your children are not well received especially they bother the scrap out everybody that nobody is dumb to be out of their cabins on Valentine's Day for a good reason"

"Oh, but you see your is complicated and bit tragic but to see the end of the quest is unlikely"
said Aphrodite

"What do you mean?" asked Thalia

"Time's up, sister" said Ares before taking her out of the car

(3rd Person POV)

"Well that was a friendly reception" said Dave

The quest resumed then stopped by to cross the Junkyard of Gods

"Alright don't touch anything" said Annabeth- " except Blackshadow"

"What??- this is useful stuff but if it is scrap then to bad" said Dave

Then a giant metal robot came to view attacked with Blackshadow in his true form throwing a punch and blindong it only to ignore Blackshadow until he toppled it.

"Someone must deactivate it" said Annabeth

"I will do it" said Thalia

"No Thalia- the barrier will go down at camp" shouted Annabeth

Then an explosion and Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus was no more

The questers climbed aboard Blackshadow, who quickly took off towards San Francisco and Mount Tam

(Thalia's POV)

Brave but stupid and now I am dead but where Charon- ferryman of the dead and what is the purple in the whole place- I am definitely not in the Underworld

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