Chapter 16 - The Fight Pt.1

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(August 12, 2009 AD - 1 year and two months later)

(Thalia's POV)

Ok, so recap on the recent events- first my dumb cousin- can I call him my cousin if I no longer belong to the Greco-Roman Pantheon but rather to the Cybertronian Pantheon - anyway about a month ago Kronos found a new host in one of unclaimed campers named Alabaster Torrington so Percy and Beckendorf decided to do a spec ops mission and blew the Princess Andromenda sky high and at the cost of Beckendorf's life but he went to the Realm of Faded- where the immortals rest after they fade courtesy of my leige and now we have less than a week to prepare for combat not like me and the Herald aren't ready just the fact- a lot of monsters will be going a one way ticket to the Anti- Spark and be  dissolved.

"Hey Thals, you ready?" asked Percy

"Never better"

Just then my bonded was singing some song

' Tarija tierra de dorada
Chula tierra donde naci
Tarija tierra de dorada
Chula tierra donde naci

Tierra de sauces copleros negro churkis
Y donde el río de candor
Tierra de sauces copleros negro churkis
Y donde el río de candor

Como todo tarijeño de mi tierra
Tambien nació cantor' sang Dave

"Hey Dave is that a song you know"

"Oh, just a bit nervous but won't admit to the public just you" said Dave

"Campers let's us move out" hollered Chiron

The campers began to load onto the vans and ready to begin the fight to stop Kronos

"Wait Thalia, let us venture by portal" said Dave


A purple colored portal opened swallowing Thalia and Dave and depositing them in an alleyway close to the Empire State Building and Mount Olympus

'Nightshadow, remind my herald not to move off the throne room and you will assist the demigods' mused my patron

'I understand, my leige'

"Herald, did you receive instructions?"

"I did- here borrow my saber and shield" said the Herald

"No need my weapons were upgraded to fade immortals and monsters"

"Fine" said Herald

(Timeskip- 2 hours)

(Location- Mount Olympus, Empire State Building, NY)

"Alright, Camp- Kronos is coming in with full force so we divide and defend Manhattan to slow his arrival, like so- Athena Cabin head for 59 St Bridge- Travis, take one half of the Hermes Cabin to the Brooklyn Bridge- Connor, take the other half to the Manhattan Bridge- Silena- take your cabin to the Queens Midtown Tunnel- Jake have the Hephastaus Cabin defend the Holland Tunnel- Katie go with the Demeter Cabin to Brooklyn Battery Tunnel- Michael have the Apollo Cabin be on guard at the Williamsburg Bridge and as for me and Annabeth- we will be helping along the way" ordered Percy- "Thalia, what of the Herald where is he positioning?"

"He will be defending the Throne Room but if anybody needs help to defeat with a Titan or a horde of monsters just drop this crystal and he should be there"

"Wait I thought that crystal nearly killed you and percy along with annabeth" said Connor

"But it is also a beacon- here it is one time use don't waste it"

At that Thalia walked over to see the Herald with his saber on the ground waiting patiently

"What bothers you"

"Not much but I fear if Kronos gets the Throne Room decimated then all of the Flame of the West and progress that happened will cease to exist and the Mist will be destroyed" mused Herald

"Don't worry and praise to Unicron that if it is ever lost then our leige will truly change form and end this world if necessary."

"Then let the light come forth and start a new age" said the Herald.

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