Chapter 4 - What were the f@$k I am at?

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(June 30, 1998 AD - 9 days Later)

(Dave's POV)

Ok, hold it- maybe i lost it when first my neck got stinged?, I think then i remember a vision of my best friend Thalia crying then I am descending into black hole for 8 and half days. At the 9 day, i see a red ground before falling face flat on a purple surface, which must mean I am at the Anti- Spark. The question is what is the Anti - Spark?

(3rd Person POV)

"Greetings, fleshling- I am Unicron- the Chaos Bringer and foundation of your planet which i now reside at it's very center." bellowed Unicron
"Wait, quick question- I am dead, I mean shouldn't i be in the Greek Underworld and be judged like right now" said Dave
"Yes, I am fully aware of your heritage- son of Artemis but as of current predicament with an ancient prophecy coming to fruition in a decade- i wish to have a herald and in turn you live again as my optics and audio receptors on the surface." countered Unicron
"Can't you form avatars or manifestations of yourself to walk the surface?" said Dave

Unicron suddenly shrank from his 700 ft form to a relatively 10 ft form to better communicate with his guest.

"Perhaps, but such a task is futile due to fact- i weren't deep in stasis and only planetary alignment spanning from Cybertron to here will finally awaken me fully." said Unicron
"Your reasoning seems understandable then i accept your offer- my leige" bowed Dave
"Then your first task is to retrieve your corporeal form which now sits in a.....metal box" commanded Unicron

Followed by a purple beam to him that sent him back to life in a morgue.

(Dave's POV)

Oh scrap, I am in a morgue- frag me
As his eyes opened pure darkness but almost instantly could clearly see other deceased people on either side
"Concentrate and think of place to go" mused Unicron in his head.
Heeding his Patron's advice he thought his home and his soft bed and instantly traveled there before gaining form again.
'Wait was that my leige, was that my many powers?'
'Indeed, the ability to dissolve into air molecules and travel anywhere on this planet' mused Unicron
Ugh, i smell like a dead body, i really need a long bath

(Timeskip- 2 hours)

He quickly dissolved into water vapor with relative ease and appearing in his room before standing in front of his mirror to look what changed.
He saw two magenta with insane black pupils colored eyes and all black hair.

Damn I look fine with all the increased biceps and triceps along a four pack abs that is nuts.

(Timeskip- 30 minutes)
(Location- Mount Olympus- Artemis' Palace- 600 Floor, NY)

(Artemis' POV)

I sense life in my son but albeit corrupted and darkened but alive.
It is not possible unless whatever happened down there returned him to life again?

"Iris, show me the primordial Tartarus"

"Who dares to disturb....Ah it's you Artemis" mused Tartarus

"What lays beneath your realm, Lord Tartarus?"

"You know I am forbidden to say it" said Tartarus

"At least a clue?"

"Very well- three words- The Chaos Bringer" said quickly Tartarus

"Thank you, my lord"

Before cutting the iris message off

It seems that whatever he said is not the oath he is scared off but rather what lays beneath his realm.

(Light travel to Athena's Palace)

" I need help, sister with something"

"Anything sister, what is it you need but before enter" said Athena

"I need books on the Chaos Bringer"

"The what- hold it i think I might have something" said quickly Athena

Just as she said that, Athena pulled a dirty but fully functioning datapad before turning it on.

"Here I found this" said Athena

"I can't read this sister, what is this language, this isn't even Ancient Greek or Latin much less even the language of the ancient times, it is like some hieroglyphics but 10 times harder than what the ancient egyptians wrote"

"Ever I found this in a valley of Athens, I was trying figure it out but failed but it seems like a code.." said Athena

"That's it is a code and the only one to read it is Hephastaus, thanks sister"

Before light traveling to the forges of Mount Olympus

(3rd Person POV)

"Bye sister???" said Athena

(Location: Forges of Mount Olympus)

(Artemis' POV)

"Hephastaus, i need your help!!"

"What would be problem, Artemis?" said the Smith God

"This code!!!, it could be a clue how my son is live again!!!"

"Alright here, it says-
Who ever finds this datapad, heed my words it holds coordinates to where Destruction Lathe and Hammer of Me- Vulcan, the last son of Unicron- the Chaos Bringer"

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