Chapter 7- Dam time passes to fast?

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(February 9, 2008 AD)
(Location- Westover Hall, Maine)

(Dave or Blackshadow's POV)

Well officially, my decade long training ended this July but since I am so proficient at my powers, I can officially do what ever the scrap I want, well if I hadn't have to rendezvous with my so called mother though really- I mean my leige was rather more a parental figure than she was. That and the fact that I was to retrieve the lost journal of Vulcan- the last son of my patron in order to build my weaponry and fight with it but in view it is the powers that truly separate you from the rest.

Just then two children came out of school with another boy with a sword along with now appears to be a manticore with his tail upwards and ready to strike.

"There is the time for arghhh" cried out the beast from an arrow lodged in it's shoulder

Just then what I am seeing is a group of adultlings no more than maybe less than a vorn.

Suddenly a shot rang out headed straight for beast leaving black dust and Blackshadow jumped down and caused a minor quake.

"Hmm, well that was useless"

"Hey, i never seen you on my mythomagic collection and there is no figurine of you" exclaimed Nico

"Nico, no bothering the man?" said Bianca

"Artemis, you can kindly came out of disguise as you know my optics know where you are and de-aging does not help"

"Wait, what are you are you an automaton?" questioned Annabeth

"By my patron, I am not a simple machine but rather an autonomous robotic organism or a Cybertronian, foolish girl"

"Annabeth, I think you insulted him" said Thalia

"Yes, foolish mistake daughter of Athena- Blackshadow- how fare the skies is there any movement at Titan's mountain fortress?"

"If you presume that there is a lack of activity- well I believe, I saw a beautiful yacht sailing through the Panama Canal- I take that is the Princess Andromeda, correct me if I am wrong"

"No, you are entirely right in fact the demigod aboard is Luke Castellan- a son of Hermes" mused Artemis

"Foolish child, he will get eviscerated if he thinks those Titans will reward him with the world- but that takes less priority than what my patron commands me which is to find Vulcan's lost datapad which was last seen in Athens, Greece in 5 BC but my presumption is that it lays in library of the wisdom goddess?"

"Indeed Blackshadow, I shall inform Hermes to bring it to you since only Hephastaus can read it but not access it" said Artemis - " Also outside of that what makes said Hammer of Vulcan such a powerful relic?"

"It contains a miniature heart of neutron star making my patron's fossilized blood be turned into weapon and such a relic must kept out of those Titans reach due to fact it has no safety measures unlike it's opposite"

"Very well then, we speak of this no more- Hunters set up camp" commanded Artemis

"Hey, I never got to thank you for saving my life back there with the manticore" said Percy

"Seaweed Brain, don't talk casually with him" reprimanded Annabeth

"No, it is quite alright but for you daughter of the wisdom goddess learn to hold your glossa and think before vocalizing what you wish say"

As the satyr and five demigods with distance from hunters waiting for dawn to break and Apollo's sun chariot land with everyone averting their optics save for Blackshadow who just nodded.

"Greetings, Herald- I have brought the datapad that you seek and hey Arty" said Apollo

"How many times not to call me little sis or Arty" called out Artemis

"ENOUGH, I've heard enough are you not taking the demigods to the camp and aren't you doing a personal hunt- moon goddess"

"Oh that yes" mused Apollo

The sun chariot transformed from it's sports car form to a school bus with the huntress entering followed by five demigods

"Well aren't going on the bus" asked Apollo

"No need I am jet, i will meet you there- if I am correct it is on Long Island- yes?"

"That would be correct" said Apollo

At that the sun chariot lifted up with a nervous Thalia on the wheel while Blackshadow deactivated his mass shifter and changed into SR-71 Blackbird Jet and bypassed the sun chariot at Mach 2.0.

(Timeskip- 2 hours)

(Location- Camp Half-Blood- 3.14 Farm Road, Montauk, NY)

(3rd Person POV)

"Brake Thalia" said Annabeth before the sun chariot fell into the Lake

"Ha-ha-ha- bravo that was a spectacular landing" said Blackshadow before Thalia stomped out tried to zap him before it backfired a knocked her out and collapsing on the ground

As the remaining four demigods and hunters filed out of the bus with Apollo lifing off and flying away

"Oh dear, and you must be who?" asked Chiron before Percy answered " His name is Blackshadow"

"Yes, that is correct but believe my full designation is Blackshadow- Herald of Unicron" said Blackshadow

"I see and you will stay in the Big House or you will...." said Chiron

At that in minutes- outside of the usual big U where the cabins were located- a black and silver with miniature dark energon crystals hung from it's roof and with that the rest of camp gawked and then went about their day.

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