Chapter 13- Wait there is a maze?

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(June 10, 2008 AD - 3 months and 20 days later)

(Location- Unicron Cabin, Camp Half- Blood, Montauk, NY)

(Thalia's POV)

Ever since I have been revived and been dating my best friend which is weird because before when I was still counselor of the Zeus Cabin and with the mythological world involved or rather revolved around marrying your cousins at least by godly side because really we are complete strangers but now with Dark Energon in my veins- it felt as if the earth was pumping with energy and according to Dave or Blackshadow- his Cybertronian name- we are stronger than the Olympians but due to our patron mostly in stasis, we are as strong as minor Titans meaning that Blackshadow fading Atlas shouldn't be possible but in our cybernetic forms that doesn't apply. Seriously right after I was revived and we returned to Camp- just an hour later we bonded because turns out he truly loved me and I the same.

"<Nightshadow, why is your side of the bond a bit active>" commed Blackshadow

"<Oh, hehe just writing on my personal datapad- are my thoughts that open?>"

"<As clear as a fresh water pond, sweetspark>" responded Blackshadow

"<Say where are you?>"

"<Oh, I am over the Antarctic and my built in compass is going wild>" said Blackshadow

"<Ouch, that damn dinner bell is going wild, wait i'll be there soon>"

"<I'll wait>" said Blackshadow

(Timeskip- 2 hours)

(Location- Antarctica)

"What were you looking for?"

"No-No it can't be??" said my bonded

"What is the problem"

"I sense a dying dark spark" said Blackshadow

"It can't be it belongs to one Vulcan, come let's hurry"

I quickly changed from bipedal form to my sleek F-22 form and blasted towards the target.

"Whoa, sure it is Vulcan?" said Blackshadow

"There he is"

True her word, Vulcan's frame was barely holding on and deeply frozen and falling apart

"<Greetings, who may you be, it has been long since I have seen another faceplate>" groaned Vulcan

"<Greetings, Lord Vulcan- son of Unicron the Chaos Bringer, I am Blackshadow- Herald of Unicron the Chaos Bringer>" said Blackshadow

"<Greetings your lordship, I am Nightshadow- bonded of the Herald of Unicron the Chaos Bringer>"

"<Then you can tell me what year it is?>" said Vulcan

"<Lord Vulcan, it is June 10, 2008 AD, when were last online?>" said Blackshadow

"<If I recall it was the 15 of April of 2500 BC but then I was banished by the ruling pantheon- The Titan Counsel and ordered to go to furthest reaches of this planet and I believe I must have ran out of energy because last I saw was this ice land and here I am.>" recalled Vulcan

"<Well Lord Vulcan, the Titan Kronos rises again please it is your prophecy that you predicted their downfall then help us!>"

"<I can't but my symbol of power can repair me and maybe I can teach that runt of a sorry excuse of a human being into dust>" said Vulcan- "<But alas I am dying so Herald relive me of my life and let join the anti-spark that is my last command to see my sire once again>"

At that Blackshadow revealed the Dark Star Saber that pierced his spark with his optics offlining for one last time before his frame became dust

At that me and my bonded headed to Camp Half Blood at full speed with heavy sparks.

(Location- Tartarus)

(Unknown POV)

Finally the Son of Unicron is dead, soon it will be time to rise- "Hyperion, Iapatus inform Lord Kronos that the Son of Unicron is dead" soon I will rise and take it from that monster that calls himself Unicron, something that my father feared.

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