Chapter 6 - What no f$!#ing free pass?

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Note: 1 core vorn= 6 surface months

(January 1, 2000 AD- 4 vorns later)

(Location- Unicron's Anti-Spark)

(Dave's POV)

Well when my parents agreed to let me go to train for 20 core vorns or 10 earth years, I thought it is going hard maybe borderline suicidal but impossible would be right word- according to my patron- 'It is best to practice when I still lay slumber'
which to tell you the truth is hard. Here are all my power's

* Summoning Dark Energon

* Manipulating Dark Energon

* Forging the same subtance into a weapon without fire to melt it or water to cool it down

* Generating Earthquakes

* Opening Rifts in the Ground

* Creating Water out of nothing

* Forming Tidal Waves

* Creating Hurricanes

* Imploding a dormant volcano not an active one that is to easy.

* Controlling Gravity on increasing or decreasing

* Dissolving into dirt or stone

* Disappearing into water vapor

* Binding with the winds

* Manipulating Oxygen Levels

Now that's a lot of powers but I guess training is necessary.

(June 21, 2005 AD - 7 years later)

(Location - Artemis' Palace, Mount Olympus, 600 Floor, NY)

(Apollo's POV)

"Hey, Arty remind me of your son because last i saw of him was at coast of Montauk close to Camp Half-Blood entering a purple portal- does he teleport?"

(Artemis' POV)


"All right, easy sis I could have something blocked me like someone ancient and evil but far older than Gaia- you think it this Unicron protects him or is twisting him for his benefit" said Apollo

"Great, now we have the Great Prophecy- one top of that is just wonderful"

(Light Travel to Throne Room of Gods)

"Hermes, you have a minute to spare?"

"Yes, I do- what it is it you need?" replied Hermes

"I need you to be on the lookout for my son by coordinating with Apollo to see if you can bring him tonight before the counsel"

"Apollo said he is protected but not from speed meaning his patron can protect him via the elements." said Hermes " I'll try but can't ensure a result"

"Thank you, Hermes"

(Location- Anti-Spark)

(Dave's POV)

"You were spotted, why my Herald do wish a death sentence" mused Unicron

"It was not my intention, my leige but I wished to test my powers when night was up and i might have carried off and saw my error and quickly came back"

"Well in that case, I feel that in place called Tartarus- region above me stirs a Titan by name of Kronos who would be your great grandsire on your carrier's side and my will and wish is to aid those puny Olympians however corrupt and arrogant they are." said Unicron

"Your will is my command- my leige, I will allow myself to be caught again brought in"

"Also my herald, I will claim you at that camp with a show should they place you there and loan you the strength to build a cabin so you may use" mused Unicron

(Location- Death Valley Desert after one groundbridge)

(Dave's POV)

This going to be easy as cake since they are on high alert.

As soon Dave thought of that he was grabbed by the messenger god who alerted by Apollo and quickly brought before the Counsel.

(Location- Throne Room of the Gods)


As each of them flashed into their respective thrones

That is a lot of power concentrated

"Thank you, Hermes" said the red hair lady

"Anytime, Artemis" said Hermes

Man, this tough spot.

"Well I believe now the Summer Solstice is officially" boomed the tuxedo man-"I am sure this is your son, Artemis?"

"That would be correct, father" said my supposed mom

(Flashback- 6 months ago)

"My herald, it is time to assume your true Cybernetic form"

"Yes my leige"

As I assumed my true form- I looked and inspected it and my sk-armor was all black with optics all pure magenta and magenta highlights scattered throughout my frame with wings and wheels produding from my back.

"My leige, I am ready to serve your bidding"

"Then start by scanning an alternate forms since your multi-former not a triple changer" said Unicron

With that i opened a portal to the surface and landed by the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum which i broke into an scanned an SR-71 Blackbird then teleporting to Germany to scan a Deutche Bahn BR Class 182 Taurus before returning to United States and finally taking a Bugatti Chiron as my last form and before making an entrance in my patron realm which he approved.

(Flashback ends)

I assumed my Cybertronian form which all Olympians had to avert their puny optics before I looked at myself and was standing 65 feet tall and just dwarfed the Olympian Gods

"W-wow that is cool" said Hermes

"Indeed messenger god but I will not stay for long as my patron agreed to help to clean the scourge of this planet or the Titans as you call them

"W-w-well t-that great then" stuttered Zeus

I quickly changed to my Blackbird form and blasted out of the throne room at Mach 3.3 leaving several stunned gods and goddesses.

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