"Shit." Iris says pulling out her pocket knives.

Scarlett retrieves her gun with ease her eyes trained on the three vehicles before us.

I watch as men pour out the vehicles, yet my attention stays on him; Antonio. His tall and dark figure walks up to us; to me.

Once we become face to face our eyes locked and he smirks shaking his head. Silence dawns us for a few minutes.

"You know I don't like playing games." Antonio finally says his thick, low accent cutting the silence.

The back of my neck hairs stand up as fear sits in for some odd reason. I lick my dry lips not understanding this feeling. However I keep my eyes set and my emotions blocked.

My eyes drift towards the back of him. I notice Alessio to the right of Antonio, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to guess the heat coming from behind me is from Zero.

I take a quick count of the men; twenty. Twenty men all together, counting the three amigos surrounding the girls and I.

Antonio eyes scream anger—no rage. His dark brown orbs are nearly black. However his body is calm, his composure is chill.

It's weird.

Antonio closes in the gap between us. The smell of his cologne and cigarettes fills my nostrils. I don't know if I want to throw up or relish in his scent.

"Oh Jade, tsk tsk tsk," Antonio says shaking his head before his fingers graze my cheek.

That's all I needed. One simple touch.

I don't liked to be touched.

I quickly aim my gun at him, and seconds after his men aim their guns at me and the girls.

"You shouldn't have done that." Antonio smirks evilly.

The sound of multiple guns cocking back filled my ears. My eyes glance at Zero pointing a gun at the back of Scarlett. I glance over at Iris that stares blankly at Alessio's gun pointing at her face.

"If you were really that bold you would pull the trigger yourself." I state coldly, and Antonio's smirks turns into a full blown grin.

In seconds Antonio's lightning speed hands grabs my wrist spinning my back against a his front. I fight against his strength and to my disliking he overpowers me. With all his strength he points my gun to my chin as his hand grips mine roughly.

I try to use my other hand but he catches my fist quick, bending it behind my back. I hug in annoyance at my position.

I feel powerless, vulnerable, and weak.

I feel like the old me.

"Now look at your friends." Antonio whispers in my ear and I struggle against his hold.

I can feel him adding pressure my arm that is behind my back. A sign that he will soon break it if I don't listen to him.
I let out a slow and frustrated breath through my nose as I look at Iris and Scarlett positions.

Zero's atm is wrapped around Scarlett's neck as he has his gun pointing to her temple. Her gun is across the floor and anger reads all over her now red face.

Iris is pushed against the ground on her back. One of Alessio's hands grips her wrist together abover her head. I watch as she tries to fight against h with her legs, but it's no use because he sitting on them. He uses his other hand to point the gun to her cheek. Iris angry eyes never leaves his dull ones.

"Let them go." I nearly beg still fighting against his hold on me.

"Antonio!" I scream as I watch in fear a murderous look glaze over Zero's eyes.

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