She was able to skip out a week in practice to help Y/N. Y/N felt bad that Ryujin stayed home to take care of her when she was putting her idol opportunity in stake. But Y/N was thankful that she was healing with Ryujin by her side.

A few days after Y/N's grandma's passing she had to go to the funeral. She luckily had Ryujin by her side to help her calm down. She often had many encounters with panic attacks and she had to leave the funeral for a few minutes to breathe and clear her mind before coming back. The few days leading up to the funeral Y/N wouldn't leave her room and she refused to even take a step outside the house.


A few days after the funeral~


"We have to go out Y/N. You haven't gotten out in a while... the only time you went out was for your grandma's funeral." She looks at me concerned and I sigh.

"But I have no motivation" I tell her as I lay my head back down on the bed.

"Y/N your grandma wouldn't want to see you suffering here. She wouldn't want you to be cooped up in your room forever. Please cooperate with me I know it's hard but you at least have to come out with me once. I promise it'll be fun!" Ryujin tried to reassure me. I sighed again and nod as she excitedly stands up from my bed and jumps around. I thought, "what a funny girl" as I chuckled at her.

She grabs my hand to pull me out of bed and pushes me to the bathroom to get ready. Once we were both ready she drove us to the bowling place.

"Are you ready to lose to me" She says in a competitive tone and then smirks at me.

"It's more like are you ready to lose?" I laughed at her. I have always been good at bowling, let's hope after years I still am good at it.

Once we walked to the bowling alley, we paid for a bowling lane and shoes then walked to our lane. Ryujin stands up to buy us food. After sometime she comes back with food.

We ate the food and stood up to start bowling. Once we stood up I saw Jeongyeon and Nayeon. I wave at them.

"Hey Jeongyeon and Nayeon!" I smile at them.

"Hey Y/N and Ryujin! How have you been Y/N?" Jeongyeon waits for my response.

"I have been doing much better because of Ryujin" I look at Ryujin smiling and pulled her closer by her waist. Ryujin looked at me shocked.

"When will you be returning back to the company? We all missed you!" Nayeon pouts.

"I will be coming back to work in a week." Both of them became happy once I said that.

"Is it just the two of you?" I looked away from Ryujin and asked the both of them.

"Yes it is just the two of us" I see them both blush and Ryujin and I smirk at them.

"Well we have to start our bowling game now but I hope you enjoy your "hangout" the both of you." I continue to smirk and I look at Ryujin chuckling at her.

"We will! See you next week Y/N! Also see you around the building Ryujin!" Jeongyeon tries to not blush after hearing what I said. They both wave at us and walked away. Ryujin and I went back to our bowling lane and started our game. Luckily I won again, I'm not surprised as I always end up beating her in bowling. After our game we decided to go home.


Hours later~

Third Person POV

Nayeon and Jeongyeon both came back home after bowling and sees everyone in the living room. They all greeted them both.

"Welcome back home!" Chaeyoung says to them both.

"How was bowling?" Mina smiles at them.

"Yeah how was it?" Sana smirks at them.

"I-It was fun! I won against Nayeon!" Jeongyeon tries to act normal and looks at Nayeon to see she is annoyed.

"Anyways whatever. Guess what, we saw Ryujin and Y/N!" Nayeon and Jeongyeon smirk at each other.

"Really?" Momo says to them.

"Yeah! They looked like as if they were a couple! They were so touchy with each other. When we asked how Y/N was she pulled Ryujin closer to her by the waist. She even said she was doing much better because of Ryujin." Everyone looked at Nayeon shocked.

"No way! Really?" Tzuyu says in excitement.

Everyone seemed to be excited about Y/N and Ryujin except for Sana and Dahyun. Jihyo looked at Dahyun and she looks angry. She was clenching her fist trying to calm herself down.

"I'm going to bed." Dahyun says in a cold tone and walks away fast to her room.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora