In love

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Okay. Those who are reading this, thank you soooooo much because I liked my stories being read. ...Okay, not really by my parents, but you know... XD Anyways. Luka may be out of character, but I like it that way~ Please tell me if there has to be any changes and all that~ I want people to comment and vote [hopefully]!! But... oh well... I just post stories for fun anyways~


Miku's POV

Before class~

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" I screamed. "You fell in loooove?!" 

"SHHHHHH!!!!" Luka shushed. "Don't scream it!!!!"

"Oh... Oh right~" I whispered.

Luka sighed. "Yeah, I fell in love."

"Da re, da re, da re??? [who, who, who]" I asked.

"I don't know his name. He has long purple hair and purple eyes... And he seemed so prince-like... He's a teenager, I wonder what his name is...? And then..." Luka rambled on.

Wow. She must really be in love with him to talk like this. Her eyes are twinkling!!!

I looked at the blue haired boy. Even after 3 weeks since the beginning of school, I still didn't know his name. Do I think of him like Luka thinks of her prince? I don't think so. Even so, I want to get to know more about that boy.

Rin and Len came in the classroom. They seemed like they were arguing again, but this one was more small scaled. Rin sat next to me.

"What were you two arguing about?" I asked Rin.

"Huh? Oh... Yesterday, I accidently ate his banana split, and this morning, HE ATE MY ORANGE SMOOTHIE!!!!" She screamed.

"It was your fault, you were the one who ate my banana split." Len said.

"I told you it was accident!!!!!!"

"I don't care."


"Oh, and by the way my lady Miku, how are you doing today?" Len asked.

"Oh... I'm doing fine!" I said.

For some reason, Len always treats me extra nice, so that the other girls sometimes bully me. But Luka and Rin were always beside me when that happened, so I was okay!

Rin kicked Len in the face. Ouch... That looked like it hurt...

"Miku, you shouldn't talk to this hentai. [pervert]" Rin said.

Len carressed his cheek.

"That was my face you know!!!!" He howled.

"Oh sorry, I was aiming for your balls, but since you were sitting down, I kicked your face instead." Rin said.

There was a lot of girls glaring at Rin and trying to tend Len's wound. I laughed a small bit.

"So... What's going on with her this morning?" Rin pointed to Luka.

"Oh... She fell in love with this guy." I said.

"....EHHHH?!" Rin screamed. "Her???? I never thought she was the type!!"

"Well excuse me." Luka said, finally done with her rambling.

"Oh. I just saw you rambling about something over there." Rin said.

"Yeah, I finished."

"So, who is this prince?"

"Well, he has beautifu---"

"Less on the details please."

"Haha~ He has purple hair and purple eyes." I butted in before they can argue.

"Hm? Purple hair and purple eyes?" Rin looked at the ground like she was thinking about something.

"I wasn't dreaming okay? I was serious. He really had long purple hair and beautiful purple eyes!!" Luka retorted.

"No, no, no. I think the boy you are describing is this guy called Gakupo. He is supposedly one year older than you." She said.

"Wait... really?! He's in this school?!" Luka shouted.

"Um, I'm not doubting you or anything, but Rin; how did you get this information?"I asked.

She looked at me and grinned darkly. "I figured how to put my smile into good use."

I shruddered. Rin is still Rin all right.

"Well, at least you can go and see hi--" When I turned to Luka, she was already gone.

"She ran out like the wind when I told her that." Rin said. "Seriously... How obessed is that girl?!"

I laughed. "Well... Do you have anyone you like Rin?"

"Me? No, not right now. I have't been trusting boys ever since this small incident." She laughed.


"What, do you have somebody you like?" She asked teasingly.

"Wha- wha- what are you talking about?" I stuttered.

She smiled evilly. "You do have a person you like don't you...?"

"I-I-I-I-I don't..." I said glancing at the blue haired boy.

She looked in the direction where I looked.

"Oooooh. You like Kaito?" She said.


"I mean, you're looking at that blue haired boy right?" She said.

"U-uh yeah... His name is Kaito?"


"O-oh..." Wow!! I got to know his name!!!

Rin smiled. "I'll get some info of him for you okay?"

"W-what? Y-you don't need to!!"

Rin laughed. "Don't worry. I'm not going to get close to him. My brother is good friends with him now."


This is so embarrassing!!!

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