Halloween [Part 3]

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Okay, so maybe the last few weeks I didn't write a chapter. =w= I'm sorry though!!!! TT^TT I'll try and make it up to you guys, but I don't know... TT^TT

Are you guys even reading this? Hello? HEELLO?! TT^TT Fine, don't even mind me then.

Read on... TT^TT


Miku's POV

I told her the problem. She looked at me with a weird look before responding slowly. 

"You.... Like Len?" She said.

"I-I think so... As I said I'm not sure." I said unsurely.

"Hm... Just make sure to wait it out." She said, turning away.

??? ...Did I do something to make her mad...?

I looked over at her worridly, hoping that there won't be any more fights. 

Plus... I really don't think I want to get on her bad side... =v=;;

I looked over at the two guys.

Wait it out huh... I don't know... I have a really bad feeling about this halloween...

After the preparations were done~~

"Yay!!!! Everything is allllll done!!!" Rin cheered in the center of all the tired people.

"You didn't so anything!" Len complained.

"Yes I did!!! I was helping with the decorations!!! My throat is very sore right now you know!!!"

"Then how can you still talk so loud like that???"

And... They continued to argue.

I sat on a chair and sighed. Then I felt a presence next to me.


The voice gave me chills.

"U-U-Uh... Hey... Kaito!" I said cheerfully.

He smiled. "Please don't be so nervous around me, it makes me feel bad."

"Sorry... You just startled me so..." I trailed off.

Then, ther was a awkward silence between us.

"Hey... I saw you with Len..." He said slowly.

"Uh... Yeah?"  I said.

".......What's your relationship with him?"

"Huh?" I was startled by the sudden question.

"..." He looked at me closely, waiting for an answer.

"Um... We're just friends...?" I said unsurely.

He smiled. "That's good to know..."


I felt my face grow hot.

"Well, I better get going." He said with a smile and walked away.


"What were you talking about with him?"

I looked up at the speaker.


"Nothing really, just about the success of the costumes and decorations." I lied cheerfully.

"I see." He said unsurely and then walked away.

...I can wait it out... But... I just don't think that Len can...

The day of the festival~

Rin's POV

I woke up slowly, my alarm clock ringing loudly.

"What should I do Rin...?"

...Man, how should I know what to do?

I looked at my covers irritably and scratched my head. I got up from bed and looked at my mirror, fixing my hair and everything.

Besides, why do I have a really bad feeling about today...?

I lifted the corners of my mouth into a fake smile. 

Man, I look horrible in this... Whatever it is. What is wrong with me...? Do I like him?

I sighed loudly and I heard a knock in from the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Me." The voice replied.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the voice.

Calm down you stupid heart!!!

"Come in." I said slowly without sounding too nervous.

Len came in slowly all dressed up for school and everything. I sat down at my bed and looked at him. 

"What did you want?" I asked.

"I... I think I'm going to confess." He said quietly.

I coughed immediately. "C-Confess?!"

"Yeah... I feel pretty confident about this." He looked at me.

"...She doesn't think of you in that way. And she never will." I said without thinking.

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