Christmas Party [Part 1]

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Meiko's POV

I was walking towards Kaito's classroom, until I heard that girl Rin's annoying voice shout out, "Let's have a class Christmas Party during Winter Break!!!" 

Christmas Party...? Hmph, like anyone would join. 

"Yeah!! Let's do that!!" I heard her brother shout.

Then I heard a bunch of annoying girl's voices shout out, "If Len's going, we're going too!!!"

I peeked into the classroom. It looks like the whole class is going to participate... Then I saw Miku talking to Kaito with a smile on her face.

How are they getting along?! Why isn't my plan working? All these days, I've been giving all my attention to him, but Miku is the only one he's getting along with!!!

I gritted my teeth. No... I won't let Miku get all romantic with him.

"Hey guys~! You mind if I go too?" I walked in the classroom and winked at the boys.

"If Sakine-san is going, we're definetely going!!!" The boys shouted out.

Rin looked at me with a sour face. "Okay, Sakine-san you can go too for the sake of bringing the boys over." She said.

Hah! See that Miku?! How can you win against me when I have this many gu--

I turned to them and stopped short. They weren't even paying attention to me, they were still engrossed in their conversation. 

Why...? Why can't I just get that guy's attention? 

In the Past...

In the past, I used to be called a walrus for being fat. All the girls called me ugly and disgusting. All the guys teased me for being so late in running. My parents spoiled me a lot with food. They spoiled themselves too. In the end, my family went bankrupt because of my dad. He's gotten addicted to smoking and alchohol.

I didn't go to school, because in middle school, people started bullying me. I had no friends. Nobody supported me. My mom ran away from my dad, because he was getting violent when getting drunk.

She abandoned me because I was too ugly.

Hmph, you are ugly and fat too. I doubt your parents would even accept you into the family.

Soon, I ran away from home. My dad started hitting me because he said that mom left him because of me.

You yourself are ugly and fat enough. Why do you blame me?

Soon, I couldn't stand being there. I ran away. I couldn't stand being in that dump anymore.

How did things get from happy to horrible?

I ran and ran. Then I ran to a shrine, where there would most likely be nobody there. There, a kind man took me in his house. He was about 21, and he was in charge of the shrine because he couldn't get a job.

I was really thankful. And I fell in love. He didn't judge me by my appearance. He also treated me kindly, like everybody else. But I didn't want him to treat me like others. I wanted to be special. I wanted to be loved back.

I knew that I was too ugly to confess, so I started working out and losing fat. In a year, I slimmed down a lot. It was tough work, and it was painful, but I did it. I was happy... But...

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend."

"Eh?! You... You didn't tell me!!"

"Huh? Did I have to tell you?"


I spent a year for him, and he didn't even appreciate the thought. I think that the girlfriend thing was an excuse for rejecting me. Because I never saw him treating any girl preciously.

Soon, I ran away from him too...

I was broken hearted. But I quickly changed. I swore that I won't confess to anyone again. I will become emotionless.

I went to my grandmother's place, where my mother supposedly went too. She wasn't there. My grandmother was a kind woman, and I live with her now.

When I went to school, I became a popular person. The boys were always looking at me with love, and the girls were always looking at me with hate. I was bullied by the girls, but the boys always covered over me, hoping to get my attention.

That did get my attention. I thought, maybe if I got all the boys at my command, I can protect myself from everything. So I did. But some boys, were overly obssessed with their girlfriends. So I threatened their girlfriends to break up with them so they would fall in love with me.

In the end of middle school, I got all the boys in the palm of my hand. But it turns out that the highschool had a lot more people and they were a lot harder to control. But no matter, things were easy for me. I had my ways around me.

And finally I came back to this. Not having the guy I want next to me.


Tht girl Miku... I held back at first, but now I won't. 

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