Halloween [Part 2]

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Thank you all for commenting/voting/fanning my stories/or me~ XD I really appreciate it, and even if I don't reply to your comments, just know that I love you all~ <3 [Daisuki!!!! >w<]

By the way, what's your opinion of Vocaloid Kingdom? =w= I don't know, I just want to see what my fans think of my stories~ =w=

Daisuki!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Oh, by the way~ To those fans that want me to read their stories~ Message the link of your guyz'z stories to me, so I can read it when I have time!!! >w<


In the previous chapter~~~

Narrator: *gasp* !!! *0* Is Kaito jelly? Does he finally realize his own feelings for her??? What happens now? Let's find out here~ >w<

Len's POV

I watched as Miku and Luka chatted about the costumes. Then, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked around. Kaito was staring at me weirdly.


I walked over. He soon realized that, and quickly focused on his work.

"Wassup Kaito? Where's Meiko?" I crouched down looking at him.

"She went to her classroom because she had to help." He replied.

I laughed. "Was she whining and complaining?"

He chuckled a bit. "Yeah. It's so annoying though."

...Kaito doesn't seem like the Kaito in the past anymore. He seems more bold today. Last time I met him, he was more shy.

Sometimes... That's not the best thing. Especially for me.

Miku's POV

I looked over at Len and Kaito. They both seem to sparkle in my eyes. Since I learned more about Len, he seems more nice... I think I have mixed feelings for both of them... I mean, I'm getting closer to Kaito, but I'm also getting closer to Len too.... I don't know what to think anymore... 

"Hey, are you okay?" Luka asked me.

"Huh? Y-Yeah!! I'm fine!" I said.

"..." Luka stared at me seriously.

"E-eh? W-what is it? Is there something on my face...?" I asked nervously.

She sighed. "It's pretty easy to tell that you can't choose between those two."

"....Yeah.... What to I do Luka...?" I asked sadly.

She sighed. "I don't know? I never had those mixed feelings before. I'm too busy to even care."

"I guess..." I said looking down. 

"...Hey cheer up okay? You'll get through this obstacle fine! Just like how Gumi was my obstacle." She said.

I tried to smile. "Okay..."

Luka's POV

Miku showed me a painful smile. I sighed. I understand her heart may be a bit fragile... like I was. Maybe a talk with Rin will figure things out...?

"Hey Miku." I spoke up.


"Talk to Rin about this. Maybe she can help."

"Eh? Rin? Why?"

"Because, she helped me when I was facing my obstacle." I said smiling.

Miku looked at Rin. Then she nodded hesitantly.


I watched her as she went to Rin.

I have a feeling that this is going to be a long Halloween...

Miku's POV

"Okay~!! Move that a tiiiiiny bit over!! Yup! That's great!! Now that should be..." Rin shouted through the people like she was in charge.

"Rin! How's the decorations doing?" I asked her.

She looked at me and smiled. "They're doing fine!"

I stared at her for a long time. I don't know... Rinny has changed a lot of times during these months... But... I still kind of prefer the old Rin. Even if she was harsh... She showed her more... passionate side...

"Okay that's good!!" She shouted cheerfully. The people who were moving the decorations slumped against the wall, tired.

She bounced over to me.

"So what's up?" She asked.

"Uh... I have some love problems..." I said.

"Oh, okay! Count on me to solve your problems!!!" She smiled happily.

I nodded and started telling my problems...

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