Part 30

130 11 4

//////////he's so fucking hot wtfff ugh////////

It was almost peaceful at school, all expect the fact that Chanyeol and his stupid gang beat Jimin up to the point he was unconscious on the floor of the boys bathroom.

He didn't know what happened after that but he did know that someone had to have taken him to the nurses office cause when he woke up, the nurse was treating his wounds.

"W-What happened?" He muttered, voice raspier than normal as he attempted to sit up straight. The nurse immediately stopped him. "Don't try to get up, it's going to hurt," she said as she helped him to sit back down.

Jimin nodded, laying his head on the pillow. "Who brought me here?" He questioned as she started wrapping up his arm, which he remembered Chanyeol stepping on.

"You know Kim Taehyung?"

Jimin's eyebrows raised in shock. He felt his heart calm down a bit as it was someone he knew, he didn't want random people coming and questioning him. "Yeah he's a friend of a friend," Jimin mumbled, staring up at the ceiling above.

"There's not much else to do, I'll give you some painkillers and water, okay?" The nurse asked as she got up. Jimin nodded, sending a thankful smile towards the older.

"You can go in a bit okay?" Jimin nodded again, watching as the lady left the room. He sighed as he felt his ribs ache, thinking back to what happened.


Jimin sighed as he was pushed to the metal door in the bathroom, his back hurting immediately.

"Did you miss me yesterday fag?" Chanyeol snickered, cornering him with the rest of  his friends, leaving Jimin (like always) defenseless. Jimin didn't know what to do, he would be beat up if he talked, but would also be beat up if he didn't.

"Aw, throat's probably too sore from last night, hm? Let me help you out-"

Before Jimin could even look up, a sharp kick was sent to his face, more near his lips and chin. He gritted his teeth as he felt blood dripping onto his shirt, refusing to give in. The rest of the boys chuckled, finding amusement in the way Jimin tried to crawl away from them.

"Now you really can't talk, cocksucker,"

Another voice added in.

Jimin attempted to lift his arm to cover his face, but was stopped as Chanyeol harshly stepped on it, evoking a pained cry from Jimin, the sound only boosting the boys up more. "Bet that's what he sounds like when he gets it in the ass, ain't that right pillow biter?"

The insults didn't stop with that, but continued before every punch, every kick, every jab. The words obviously hurt, the 'no wonder your mother left you!' or the 'why such a pig, fatty!?' only made him feel worse, the ache in his heart deeper than all the other pain coursing through his body.

He felt lightheaded, the pain unbearable, causing a light numbing as the boys continued. Now he saw the men in a more blurred way, the light at the ceiling disappearing as he felt a final kick in the ribs, his vision went black.

-End of flashback-


Jimin was snapped out of his daze, eyes widening as he saw Yoongi running towards him. "M-Mr. Min," Jimin muttered, eyes shifting around to see if anyone was there. "Don't worry I told them I was Taehyung's cousin and that you're like part of the family," Yoongi mumbled, leaning closer and engulfing the smaller boy in a hug.

"What happened, Jimin? Who was it?" Yoongi mumbled against Jimin's neck. Jimin wrapped his arms around the olders neck, sighing. "It's nothing Hyung, don't worry," Jimin mumbled, feeling the older slightly pull away.

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