Part 15

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Ayy we're in the 20th part and 15th chapter!! This us def longer than I expected and longer than I would've wanted it to be butttttt i hope yall don't mindd~~ okiee enjoy this chapter and try not to cringe too much!! ( BTW don't mind the mistakes)

"Uh, h-hey Jin h-hyung... How are you..?" Jimin asked, sitting on the chair beside Jin nervously. "Fine, but I'm worried about you Jiminie," Jimin's face softened as he looked up at the older with big eyes.

"W-What do you mean hyung?" Jin sighed, laying his head on the back of the chair. "Jiminie, you haven't eaten anything this whole day! How many times have I told you that you're perfect the way you are, hm?"

Jimin looked down, slightly feeling a twinge of guilt as he looked in Jin's eyes. His eyes were filled with sadness and worry, causing Jimin to frown, knowing that he was the one that caused him to feel that. "I-I'm sorry I made you worry Hyung, I honestly wasn't feeling that hungry today..." Jimin's eyes widened as a loud rumble came from his stomach. His face flushed red as he looked down at his feet and back up at Jin.

" So you're not hungry, huh?"

Jimin chuckled nervously, swinging his feet back and forth in the chair. "Okay, maybe I'm a little hungry..." Jin smiled slowly and grabbed Jimin's hand, dragging him down the stairs. Jimin sat in silence as he watched Jin cook up something for him. "Here's your hot chocolate Jiminie," Jin said as he handed a cup to Jimin. He slowly sipped on the drink, wincing as it slightly burnt his tongue.

"So, you have a party tomorrow?" Jimin nodded, placing the empty cup down on the table. "You usually don't like to go to parties, what's the special occasion?" Jimin gulped, trying to think of reasons why he must go to a party. "Oh, uh, well... I kinda already promised the person that i would come, and I would hate it if it seems like I lied to them..." Jin nodded, handing a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon to Jimin. He smiled as he looked down at the food and ate it immediately.

"Thank you, Hyung, sorry I worried you..." Jin smiled as he ruffled Jimins hair, "Don't worry too much bout it Jiminie, you know how I am when it comes to you." Jimin nodded and followed Jin up the stairs. "Okay Min, you should go to sleep now, you do have a party to go to," Jimin nodded, feeling a bit guilty for lying to his hyung. "R-Right, goodnight Jinnie hyung, say goodnight to Joonie Hyung for me too!" He walked into his room and layed on the bed, slowly drifting to sleep as he thinks of how the day tomorrow is going to go. 

-Jimin's POV-

I was woken up to a beep coming from my phone. I groaned as I picked it up. Wincing as the light hit my face, I looked at who the hell would text me at 1 in the morning. 


Hey, is this Jimin?


Uh ya, whos this?


Hey! Jimin! It's Taehyung, sorry it's so late I just needed to ask u smthing


Taehyung, seriously? Its 1 in the damn morning!


Uhm, ya, ik. I just really needed to ask u smthing


Okay well, u woke me up, so what do u need?


Uhm okay, so just promise, you'll give it to me?

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