Part 16

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I can't remember if they're in Daegu or Busan but let's say that they are in Daegu, just forget whatever I said in the past ig lmao. I'm sorry that this is so bad i tried. Also, listen to Gone Days, its SO GOOD ^^^^^ Enjoy this chapter, love yall <3

Jimin looked through the menu while glancing back up at Yoongi here and there. Yoongi looked up after a while to meet eyes with a flushed Jimin. Yoongi smiled and looked back down at the menu, glancing up to see Jimin face-palming himself. He couldn't help but coo as Jimin pouted while putting the menu down. 

"So did you decide what you wanted yet, Jiminie?"

Jimin slightly blushed at the sudden nickname but managed to stutter out a 'yes hyung'. Yoongi called the waitress over, scowling as she gave the two weird looks. "So what do you want Jimin?" 

"Uh- I-I'll have d-ddukbokki and o-orange juice." The waitress nodded, writing the order down on her notepad. "Is that it Jimin? You can get something else if you'd like." JImin shook his head no, not wanting to seem fat in front of his hyung. He didn't want Yoongi to think that he was a 'pig' or 'fatass' like his classmates did. 

"Alright then, I'll have japchae and bulgogi." The waitress nodded, writing the order down. "Is there any drink you'd like sir?" Yoongi looked through the drinks section on the menu and nodded. "I'd like a coke please." The waitress nodded, leaving the two alone. 

Jimin looked down to his lap, fiddling his thumbs. 

"So Jimin, how are you?" Jimin looked up and smiled. "I'm good Hyung, I haven't gone out in a while, so I'm happy today." Yoongi grinned, thrilled to find out that Jimin was enjoying himself. "Well, I'm glad that it's with me." Jimin blushed, feeling shy all of a sudden. 

"So, you like dogs?"

Jimin nodded happily, tugging at his sweater paw. "When I was younger, my mom and I would always go to this dog park near our old house in Busan. There was only one dog park in the area so there were a lot of dogs that would come there too. We had a puppy when I was smaller, but it died before I got to know it" Yoongi chuckled as he stared at Jimin lovingly. Jimin finally caught on to the staring and blushed.

He immediately stopped talking and covered his mouth. "I-I'm sorry f-for rambling... I-I didn't notice... I'm s-sorry"

Yoongi chuckled and waved his hand, dismissing the sorry thrown at him. "Don't be sorry, please continue, I love learning more about you." jimin flushed a dark shade of red and looked down. "N-No its f-fine, w-what about you? D-Do you like dogs?" 

"Hm, I don't have a problem with dogs, but I prefer cats. Dogs are very enthusiastic and way too much work for me. Taking care of cats is easy. My cousin, Taehyung, found a cat on the road and gave her to me since he didn't want to take care of her."

"So you have a cat!?" Jimin asked enthusiastically. Yoongi smiled and nodded. "Maybe you'll see her one-day" Jimin blushed and shyly nodded. "What's her name?" 

"Her name is AnAn"(If anyone gets that, I love you and we need to be friends)

Jimin cooed. He's always wanted a pet after his childhood one died. He wished he could have known it better but was glad he didn't at the same time. It would have been much harder to let go of it if he actually knew it well. 

"Jimin, why don't you adopt a dog now? Your mom would love it too, right?" Jimin froze up, not sure what he should say. "Oh-uh m-my mom passed away..." 

"O-Oh... Sorry..."

Jimin composed himself and smiled at Yoongi. "Ah, no don't worry about it, you have nothing to be sorry about"

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