Part 1

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"You will never understand will you!?'' Jimin tried to duck as the man he called his father threw another empty beer bottle at him, blood pouring all over the kitchen floor. "I-I'm s-sorry father...'' he managed to whisper, eyes planted on the now blood soaked carpet underneath them.

"Sorry? SORRY!? Is that all you have to say for killing your fucking mother!?'' Jimin shook his head slowly, his fathers voice beginning to blur with the painful buzzing that erupted in his ears with every movement.

"It should have been you. Everything would've been fine if it was fucking you instead''

"I-I know," Jimin whispered, lowering his head in shame, knowing that his father was truly right. "You're fucking disgusting, I hope you know you deserve to fucking burn in hell."

He shook his head with distress, scowling before looking away from Jimin and storming out the door, the loud bang only making Jimin's pounding headache even worse.

Jimin let out a soft sigh, reaching for his phone with his shaky hand, calling the first number that's there, already knowing who it would be.


"Um, h-hey, so m-my father..."

"Don't move, I'm coming, I'll be there in a minute.''

"Th-Thank you Jin''

Jimin felt his eyes get heavy yet the only thing he could think about was what big of a mess he had made on the kitchen floor.


Hi guys!! First chapter!! So, what do you guys think about it? I love feedback and whatever helps me get better. Also, thank you to @ShortSin who helped me a lot in this chapter. Bye guys, love Y'all 💜💕


----Edited: 12/9/20-----edited: 3/15/21

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

----Edited: 12/9/20----
-edited: 3/15/21

Hurting [yoonmin]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat