Chapter 5 (Finding Niall)

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Right i know recently the chapters have been quite short, but from now on, they will be hopefully at least 2 parts ok? I love you all and thank you so much for the support so far. Lana XxXxXx

Chapter 5

Harry's Pov

We walked towards the car and Louis and Molly decided to get a taxi to make room for everyone. "So where's Niall?" Ashley asked. "I duno actaully. Louis, where's Niall?" i asked him. Gosh where is he? I have't seen him since we got out of the car. "Woah! I've no idea mate! Ring him sure!" he shouted over from the taxi. I dialled his number in my phone. "I'm sorry, but the person you've called, is not available. Please leave a message after the tone." Damn it! "Hey Niall, where are you? Give us ring when you get this mate, Bye." i said into the phone. Hmm, looks like Liam's driving then. Ashley got into the car and i have to admit, i did look at her ass as she got in...... Ok Harry, snap out of it! "Liam mate, i can't find Niall, you're gona have to drive." i told Liam as he was about to open the door to the back. "Awk do i have to?" he asked moaning. "Well you're the only one that can drive in this car." i said looking at him doubtfully. "Finnneeee. But Meredith gets to sit in the passenger seat." he said as he bekcomed her towards him. "Yeah that's fine, gives me and Ashley more room." i said winking at him and laughing. "too much info Harry!" he said as he got in the front. I slipped into the seat beside Ashley and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Awww, i love her. She rested her head on my chest which was actually really nice. Liam put the radio on, and Isn't she lovely came on. I smiled and whispered in her ear "That's offically your song babe." She turned around to face me and kissed me. Of course i loved this and went all the way this time with her, touges and everything. All i could think about was her and her gorgeous face. But then i started to wonder 'Where are you Niall?'

Niall's pov

"Damn you phone!" i shouted at the turning off screen. My battery had died, that was my only way of getting in touch with the boys. I slipped my phone back into my pocket. Where the hell am i?! I looked around and saw 'Starbucks'. I decided to go in and get a coffee. I walked over to counter were the lady suddenly said to me, "God, it's like One Direction mayhem in here!" "Sorry, what did you say?" i asked her, thinking i miss underdood her. "Oh, Liam was in here about half an hour ago." she replied. Yesss Liam! I must be close to the car park. "Cheers!" i said as i ran out the door. I immediately saw a pay phone so decided to ring Louis. "Hello Louis?"

"Niall! Where are you?"

"Am near 'Starbucks' just......" i couldn't speak. Suddenly i saw the most gorgeous girl walk around the corner. She had long brown curly hair, and was wearing shorts and leggings, the one combination of clothing i thought was amazing on girls. I think she saw me look at her because she blushed and stopped walking. "Niall? Niall?! HELLOOOOOO!!"

"Sorry Lou, just saw my soulmate, gotta go!"

"NIA-" I hung up on him. The rest of the guys had girls, now it's my turn. I walked over to her and smiled. "Hi, i'm Niall Hor-" she cut me off. "-an i know. I'm Jane, Jane Laurens." she said holding out her hand. "So you know the band then huh?" i said shaking her hand. "Duhhh, how could i not!" she said blushing. I laughed, "Do you want to get a coffee or something?" i asked her. "Sure! I'd love too!" she replied. She was really pretty. I kind of already liked her to be honest. "Your back!" the lady shouted from behind the counter. "Ehh yeah.. i guess i am." i said smiling at her. "And you've brought a friend wih you." she said disappointingly. She was about 17-18. Jane looked at her as if i do the same with all the girls. I said to her quietly, "Sorry, i came in here earlier looking for the boys." "Ohhhh! So it is true! Well at least i hink so. See, my friends 'bumped' into them and there now joined to the hip." she said smiling. "I see, well we picked up a girl who fainted, her was Ashley i think." i replied. "Yes! That's my friend." she exclaimed excitedly. "Yeah, i think Harry had a thing for her, cause while she was passed out he was saying, 'right when she wakes up, i declare her mine ok?' and the rest of us were like 'Fineeee'. He's the flirt of the group." i said winking a her. "And who are you then?" she said flirtily. "I'm the irish one." i replied smirking at her. Looks like this is gona be fun. ;)

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