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This is something that I quickly wrote on my phone before going to bed but I just have to say that I appreciate your likes and comments and reads you have given to this book. It makes me really happy and I just wanted to have this here to show my appreciation for your interaction. I know I've been slow on terms of updates, but knowing that people enjoy my story and are excited to read more really does help. The only reason why I haven't just straight up discontinued it and stop updates is you guys yourselves. 

I know the feeling of disappointment of a story that you think is good and seeing it incomplete and not wrapped up. Knowing that you all love this story makes me create the promise of completing this story, even if it means making it a lot shorter than originally intended. And I don't like breaking promises and letting people down. Know that your support and interaction and love for my story makes me beyond happy, beyond the wide goofy smiles and quiet shrieks of pure joy and excitement, it also makes me continue on. 

This story will be completed. 

I already have how many chapters remain (Chapters 9 and 10) with an epilogue and one last post to speak about what I had originally planned. I hope to finish this story by the end of this year (2020) and though I find it difficult to write for this story, your love for it makes me go on anyway. Just wanted this stated. Thank you all and I hope you stay for the finale, the conclusion to my tale.

Until next time.

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