Chapter Eight

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Amiera chuckled atop her throne of ice, taking in the pleasure of seeing all the descendants of the ones who butchered her people on the very island they call "home" enslaved by their songs. They disgusted her and the mere thought of their actions brought bile up her throat. Swallowing hard, Amiera still felt the acids of her stomach linger on the walls of her throat. The flashes of events from years ago haunting every second of her life.

What was left of it.

Aviva and Adaliah walked up the crystallized steps of the newly built pavilion that housed the throne. Seeing their leaders eyes glazed over and searching the seas of servants with a misty haze surrounding her fingertips, the two went to either side of the throne and waited patiently for Amiera to snap out of her daze.

The memories from their own past life surfaced as well.


Heatwave paced in the bunker, Chase and Boulder sitting on the chairs available and twitching appendages anxiously. Something was most definitely wrong. The chief, Cody, Graham, and Kade had not return from whatever they went to after ordering the bots to stay in the bunker. They hadn't been able to contact Blades or the girls, communications were out and fuzzy at best.

"What are we going to do? We can't exactly expose ourselves." Boulder said, looking towards their leader as he thought hard on the situation. Chase was standing not far from the green Rescue Bot, he too was deep in thought as Heatwave stopped and looked towards empty space.

"We wait until Dani and Glacia return with Blades. Until then we'll have to monitor the situation to the best of our abilities."


Glacia stared out towards the ocean as Blades pushed his rotor to its fullest capabilities to reach their home. Dani was trying to get through to the Burns on the comm's but nothing seemed to work. The beautiful tome rested on her lap, the brunette not daring to open it as her arm still felt the lingering pain from her previous attempt at picking it up. 

Why would my family have this? How did they come by it?

They were questions that she couldn't find answers to, her grandfathers last words still echoing in her head as she stared down at the ancient book.

What are you?


Aviva pranced around the newly crowned servants of the Winter Sirens, her hair bouncing with each skip. Amiera was still enthralled in her past with Adaliah seeing fit to have the island monitored and for work to be done. The youngest of the trio had saw fit to check out the strange sensation she had felt when they first arrived back to the island after so many centuries had past. It was... familiar, something that made her on edge. It was a feeling that she thought she would never feel after...

She had past the people that she remembered were the "Burns" family, a family of heroes, a family that saw the protection of the island of tech. That scent-

"Who is apart of your family?"

It was the... father? Yes, the father. It was the father of the family who spoke "Me, my sons Kade, Graham, Cody, and my two daughters Dani and Glacia."

Why did that name...?

"Is any member of your family not of your blood."

"Glacia. She was adopted from an orphanage after my driver hit her by accident."

Aviva narrowed her eyes "where did she originally live."

"In a secluded village in Vermont."

That- is not what she expected.

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