Chapter Five

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"Come on Cody, you can do it! It's not hard after a few times," Glacia called out to her older brother. Her fingers felt icily warm, an odd oxymoron but it was true. A cool breeze pinked her porcelain skin and her cheeks looked like roses in full bloom amongst the snow.

"I'm trying my hardest, Glacia, but it's not like a walk in the park," Cody replied, his voice wavering as he spoke.

Glacia chuckled a bit at the site. The two youngest members of the Burns family were out ice skating on a pond near by the firehouse, one that Glacia had found during her time on the island. It had been around a week since the walking brace and knee brace were removed and the bruises gone. Four weeks since Glacia coming to the island. Cody, with his majestic and elegant ways, slipped on the ice for the hundredth time and slid across the thick slab of frozen water. She shook her head a bit, smiled, and skated over to her brother, helping him off the frozen ground.

"Here, just watch what I do and try to copy the best you can," Glacia laughed, almost tauntingly, turning her body before smoothly gliding across the ice as if she was an angel hovering mere inches off the ground. Seeing his sister skate, Cody tried once again, keeping a level mind and body before gently pushing forward with his right foot. Then the left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Cody braced for any signs of unbalance, but was met with none. Slowly opening his eyes, not even realizing they were closed, he saw that he hadn't fallen, but was steadily gliding on the ice. Relaxing his eyelids, Cody looked towards his sister who was clapping at his little, but big, accomplishment.

"See Cody, just keep it up and you'll be skating like a pro," Glacia said jovially, twirling around and pulling Cody by the cold hand. The two continued their fun ice skating. Cody improved, minutely, Glacia would say, while she worked on her spins and leaps. It was around midday before Heatwave had found the two younglings playing, unaware that he was in their presence.

"Alright you two, Chief Burns wants you guys to head home," Heatwave said, slightly irritated as he fought to get his message out through their uproar of laughter. Hearing the familiar gruff-but-friendly voice, Glacia looked over, not paying attention to what was coming.

"WATCH OUT!" Heatwave exclaimed, but was to late.

The two siblings crashed into each other, loud umf's reaching Heatwave's audio sensors. Glacia landed on her bum, sliding backwards comically and ramming straight into Heatwave's ped while Cody skidded on his stomach in the opposite direction. Before Cody could get out of reach, Heatwave merely had to lean over and put a servo down in front him. He winced when he felt Cody's comparably smaller form smush between his digits. Fighting to not laugh despite Glacia's frenzied laughter, he straightened back to full height with Cody in his hand, then set him down next to Glacia.

"Nice one, Cody," Glacia teased, slugging Cody in the arm, laughing and reenacting his fall despite the fact that the same thing happened to her. Heatwave looked more confused then he had ever been. The two young humans had fallen onto hard ground, caused by them knocking into each other pretty hard, and they were only laughing? He lifted his servo to his faceplate before shaking his helm. Looking back up at his disapproving and confusion-marred faceplate made the two siblings begin to laugh even harder at Heatwave's human-like actions.

Primus, what's wrong with these two?


When they arrived back to the firehouse, Cody, Glacia, and Heatwave walked into the garage and went down into the bunker to meet the rest of the Burns and Rescue Bots. Once they had gotten down, to the human's surprise and not necessarily the robot's, the team was prepping to what seemed to be a rescue. All they were missing was Heatwave. Charlie, upon hearing the familiar treads of his kids and teammate, turned around with a somewhat serious expression. He immediately began to debrief them.

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