Chapter Nine

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Amiera stood tall atop her pavilion of ice, Aviva and Adaliah standing beside her as she addressed the rest of her people with the people of Griffon Rock bowing at the back. Her eyes shined with the anger that all of her people felt, the anger that changed them, morphed them, into the beings they had become today.

"Sisters! Our time has come! For years we have dreamed to return here and see those who had stolen everything be payed for their crimes! And it has finally come! The descendants of the invaders who pillaged and stole our land, burned our way of life, and drove us to the sea will finally receive the punishment they so rightfully deserve! For years we waited in the cold and in the dark, embraced the spirits and howls of winter and the sea, and those years have rewarded us! Let us celebrate this moment as we feast!"

The echoing cry of her fellow sisters, her fellow Winter Sirens, shook the land as blood would be payed in blood. No longer did they have to wallow in the deep, prey on those unfortunate enough to cross their path, and sing the alluring songs of their distant cousins. Now was the time for justice to be given, to be served, and what better way to do that than with a feast.


Dani and Glacia poured through the tome, reading every page as quick as they can, trying to find the full answers they sought. Some were found, but the answers were not pleasant. The Winter Sirens they face now... they were not the original. They were completely different, driving off those born of the ice of the glaciers far north of the sea. They were born out of the fires of rage and anguish brought by those that settled the island. At the price of driving off the original inhabitants. It made them cold, heartless, cruel, forever driven by the desire for vengeance and their own cruel version of justice.

The dark past of Griffon Rock had come back to haunt all who lived on the island.

The Rescue Bots wanted to rush out and stop the wicked Sirens from doing any more harm, but Dani put an end to that. It was too dangerous, their powers unknowable. They would be running in blind with no one to back them up if things got dicey.

"If we don't do something, people are going to get hurt!"

Dani knew that too "I'm sorry Heatwave, but right now we need to plan and plan fast. If we try a head on assault than they could just kill their captives. We need to plan accordingly and not be risky."

Blades gave a strained chuckle "not wanting to be risky, that was really funny Dani."

"Blades... not now."

"I just... wanted to lighten up the mood."

Chase looked towards his fellow Cybertronian "and that ended in failure. I suggest consulting a joke book."

Glacia barely looked up from her place on the Bunkers couch, readying through the book over and over and over again. There was something she was missing, she knew it!

"Good, then we're all in agreement?"

The brunette looked up from the tome, watching as the Rescue Bots and Dani all nodded their head. She had missed something really important, didn't she?

"What about me?"

Dani looked her way, along with the Rescue Bots "you are staying here. It's way to dangerous for you to go out with those Sirens running about."

"But I can help!"

"The final answer is no little sis. We don't want to risk anything and... if we don't come back, get help. Call the mainland. Just... don't put yourself at risk. Please."

Glacia didn't look up, not wanting to face her big sisters pleading gaze and make a promise she wouldn't keep. Dani sighed, leaving Glacia to sit on the couch with tome in hand and walked over to Blades.

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