25. Sunset

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Gilinsky POV

I wake up with the biggest headache ever, I shouldn't have drank so much tequila yesterday.

It's still pretty early so I put on my grey sweatpants and try to remember what I did yesterday and the flashbacks hit me like a brick. God, why did I say all those things to Mal. I think she's one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen and I'm crazy about her but drunken me should have kept his mouth shut. I need to tell her how I feel because if we have another night like yesterday, drunken me will tell her I'm crazy about her and that's not how I want it to go. I just need to find the perfect moment, she just got to Los Angeles and there is also the thing she wanted to talk to me about so I guess I'll see what she has to say and then try and tell her how I feel.

I go downstairs and go straight to the kitchen, when I walk in I see Mal sitting on one of the chairs scrolling through her phone with some cereal.

Good morning Jack. she says with a smile on her face. I guess someone woke up in a very good mood this morning. It could also be the fact that she was the smart one out of us four and didn't get drunk last night.

Good morning Mal. I say to her and her smile gets bigger. She looks absolutely adorable with her bed hair and pajamas. I recognize the pajamas from tour and I think back to her freak out over not bringing her pajamas and it makes me smile. I miss tour.

Why are you in such a good mood today? I ask her, she puts her phone down and starts laughing.

Because last night was definitely one of the funniest nights I've ever had! Do you still remember everything or is it just one big blur? She asks me with a very big smile on her face.

No, unfortunately I still remember everything...

Oh so you also remember everything you said to me?

No that part, just slipped from my mind I guess. I lie and I start to blush a bit. She knows I'm lying because she starts laughing even more.

Hilarious! she says, I know that we all looked ridiculous last night and I wish I had drunk less.

Did you mean what you said to me last night? She asks me, I knew this question would come! What should I say? Yes, I meant every word because I'm crazy about you and I can't stop thinking about you or do I lie and say no. I can't say no, even if I don't tell her my feelings, I can't say no because that would mean that I don't think she's pretty, which is certainly not the case. I'm about to answer her when Sammy walks into the kitchen. I've never been more happy to see him.

We both say good morning but the only thing he says is ugh, I think someone has a big hangover. J walks in not much later and he looks about the same as Sammy, damn these boys really can't take their alcohol. I guess I'm one of those lucky people that doesn't really have bad hangovers no matter how much they drink.

We finish breakfast and we decide to go see the city, we wanted to be Malia's tour guide in LA. We promised her that first day we met that if she were to come to LA, we would show her around. She showed us around Brussels so we wanted to do the same thing to her. We show her all of the touristic places and some special places that only the locals know. She loves it, she told us that visiting LA was something she's always dreamed about so I'm glad that I could make that happen together with Sammy and J of course, I can't take all the credit.

It's almost golden hour and we decide to show her the Hollywood sign as our last stop because it's a beautiful spot to watch the sunset . We arrive at the lookout and Malia is speechless. I stand next to her and watch the view with her.

What do you think of it? I ask her, she turns her head to me and the look on her face is priceless, I can't figure out if she's about to cry or laugh.

It's unbelievable, I saw this sign so many times on tv and pictures but I never thought I would see it in real life! It's even better than I thought it would be! Thank you Jack, thank you for bringing me here.

No problem Malia, and I'm very happy you're here too!

We join the others and sit on the blankets we brought and wait for the sunset. Malia's sitting right next to me and it looks like she's living her dream, I'm so glad she had a great time today. The sun is almost about to go down and the reflection of the sun onto her face is beautiful, she looks like an angel.

I guess I wasn't very subtle with my staring because she turnes her head to look at me and it looks like she's about to say something but changed her mind and just smiles. She knows that I'm staring at her but she doesn't seem to mind.

Maybe this is the right moment. Maybe I should tell her right now? She looks straight into my eyes and my heart skips a beat, I can't do this right now... what if she doesn't feel the same way about me? I don't want to ruin the day she had, so I'm going to tell her another time.

The sun is setting and the view is amazing but I feel Malia staring at me from the corner of my eye? Why isn't she watching the sunset? I look at her and she quickly looks away, her cheeks getting pink because she knows I caught her staring. I decide to take a big risk and while watching the sunset I take her hand in mine. I'm so nervous, I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest. I start to calm down when I feel her link our fingers togheter and even though she's not looking at me she has a big smile on her face. I mirror that smile and she looks adorable. Both of us don't dare to look at each other and we watch the sunset with these big as smiles on our face. Maybe she does like me back, I mean she's holding my hand right?

What a beautiful way of ending our day, isn't it Mal? J asks all of a sudden.

Yeah, it really is, she says while looking at our joined hands which are hidden from the boys. A few moments later the sun has gone under and we stay there just for a few more minutes and then we go back to my car. I still can't believe I got the courage to grab her hand but I'm glad I did. I feel more confident to tell her my feelings now.

We arrive at my car and Malia yells Shotgun for the entire parking lot to hear! A few families turn their heads and give her a weird look but she doesn't care. That's one of the things I like so much about her, she doesn't care what other people think. She jumps in the Jeep with a victorious smile while sticking out her tongue to Jack and Sammy who are complaining about sitting in the backseat. I can't help but smile at her childish action.

Okay you win, next time I will! J says.

If I remember correctly, you said the exact same thing in Brussels and look who won again. Mal says. Sammy and I start laughing and I start the car and we drive home.

Day Dreaming ~Jack Gilinsky~Where stories live. Discover now