21. Gossip Girls

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Malia POV

So I'm kinda dating someone right now she says. I choke on my coffee and look at her with big eyes. My best friend is dating a guy and I didn't even know, damn you miss a lot when you're on tour.

You what I yell. Oh my god Elay why didn't you tell me sooner. What does he look like? What's his name? How did you meet? How long have you been together? Do I know him?

Calm down Mal, I'll tell you all about him. The reason I didn't tell you was because I wanted to tell you in person and I'm glad I did because that reaction was priceless. His name is Mike, 22 years old and as you can see very good looking. She takes out her phone and shows me a picture of the guy and she was right, he's cute. Kinda looks like an asshole but as long as he treats her right.

He's good looking, you did well I say laughing so where did you guys meet? She starts to play with her hair and that's no good sign. She does that when she's nervous, should I be worried?

Well about that... I kinda went to a strip club with Alice when you were on tour. she says with a timid voice. Why is she telling me about a strip club we were talking about that Mike guy. Shit, is she fucking kidding me, she's dating a stripper!

Okay a few things are running through my mind. One, why were you guys at a strip club and two please don't tell me you're dating a stripper? I'm so confused right now, why were they at a strip club ?

I figured you would be confused about our trip to the club but it's just we had nothing to do and Alice always wanted to go to one so we kinda just went. Before you start yelling at me that he's a stripper, he's not so calm your tits. He works in the club as a bartender, that's how he pays for college. Thank god, the last thing I wanted was for my best friend to date a stripper. I'm sure they are nice people but I don't want her involved with those people because knowing my crazy best friend she would want to start dancing herself.

You don't know how glad I am to hear that. You think he's boyfriend material? I ask while sipping my coffee.

I think he is. I mean you can never be sure but I think he really is.

I'm so happy for you E! I want to meet this guy tho if he's dating my sis he's going to have to be approved by me first.

Sure I'll introduce you but now that we're talking about being approved what's been going on between you and Jack. The last thing you told me was that you were trying to figure out if you liked him. I should have known this conversation was coming.

I start telling her everything from the beginning of tour of us becoming friends to the little moments we had, the sunrise and lastly about me realizing my feelings and our goodbye at the airport. The entire time E is just sitting there soaking up al the information and throwing a hmm in there once in a while.

Damn girl, why didn't you tell me all of this sooner, I could have helped you.

Because I wanted to tell you in real life...

Yeah, but now he's in LA and you are here! You should've told him that you had feelings for him!

How could I do that when I didn't realize it until that last freaking hug in the airport, I snap. I didn't mean to snap at her but it just frustrates me that I was too stupid to realize my feelings. I'm sorry E, I didn't mean to snap it's just that I can't stop thinking about him now and I feel so dumb for not noticing my feelings sooner.

Don't blame yourself Mal , you weren't sure about it. Besides it's not the end the end you know. You're still going to see him, he said so himself. Do you think the feeling was mutual?

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