24. You would be a Mcgorgeous

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Malia POV

It's nothing, oh look Miley found out about Oliver and Lilly. I say quickly to try and change subject. How can I have been this stupid and forgot to put concealer back on.

Malia, you are going to tell me what the fuck happened to your face! Because that is not caused by running into a door or falling. So tell me who the fuck did this to you. He's pissed, just like I expected and exactly why I didn't want him to find out. He looks hot as hell tho but this isn't the time to drool about him.

It's really nothing Jack, Elay and I were play fighting and she accidently hit me. Please believe me, I really don't wan't him to find out Kyle was the one who did this. I don't want him to think of me as the poor little girl who couldn't stand up to herself and who let her ex-boyfriend hit her. He looked at me and I just know he doesn't buy it.

Malia, you know that whenever you lie, you do this thing with your nose? Well, you're doing it right now so just tell me who did this to you. He finally stopped yelling but he's still beyond pissed. Even though he was screaming like crazy I'm not afraid of him because I know his anger is not towards me and even if it was I just know he would never lay a hand on me like that. I know I can't keep lying to him so I just tell him the truth.

I saw my ex-boyfriend just before I went to the airport.

He did this to you? He starts raising his voice again and his hands are forming fists. It's a good thing Kyle lives in Belgium because I don't think he would survive a run in with Jack at the moment.

Yeah, he suddenly showed up at Elays house and he was angry that I didn't want to talk to him and that I didn't want him back and he grabbed my wrist. I show Jack my wrist that has his handprint in it and he takes it in his hands and caresses it.
He grabbed my wrist and then he kissed me and I punched him and he punched me back and well you see the results of that.

Mal, I swear to god if I ever see that guy I'll beat the shit out of him. You don't put your hands on a woman ever and definitely not on you. Are you okay?

Okay about what? I ask him.

About what he did to you are you okay?

I guess, I'm a bit shocked that he did that. I knew he was a cheating asshole but he never laid a hand on me while we were together so I'm a bit shocked. I'm more worried about you thinking I'm some weak ass girl who doesn't know how to stand up for herself. He starts shaking his head and takes both my hands in his.

Listen to me Mal, you are one of the strongest women I know. How can you say that you're a weak girl when you punched the asshole and look at how well you're taking this. You know that you can always talk to me if your sad or something right? You don't have to be strong all the time, sometimes you can just let it all go and still be a strong ass woman. He puts his arms around me and it finally kicks in that I got assaulted by my ex- boyfriend and I start to silent cry. He holds me tighter and I cry for another minute and then I get my act together and stop crying because that asshole is not worthy of my tears.

Thank you Jack! He gives me another of his famous smiles and I immediately feel better. It's crazy how one smile of this boy can change my entire mood.

I'm just quickly gonna go to the bathroom and conceal my face so Sammy and J won't see it.

Why would you do that?

I don't really want to talk about the fact that me and my ex-boyfriend got into a fight this morning...

Sure, I won't tell them. I give him one last hug and go to the bathroom. While I'm putting concealer on the marks I hear the front door open and the guys enter. Well, that was a close one. One I'm sure you can't see any of the injuries I go downstairs and go to the boys.

I go down the stairs and jump in Johnsons arms, I've missed my best friend so much. The guys introduce me to Sammy and we share a quick hug. We all go sit in the living room and eat the pizza. Sammy is sitting next to me on the couch and Jack and Jack are on the couch opposite us. G has been looking at me the entire time and it makes me a bit nervous, what if all he sees when he looks at me is a weak girl with marks all over her face. I shake off the thought and I see J coming back into the living room with some tequila. Oh boy, this is not going to end well.

He takes a sip from the bottle and passes it to G who also takes a sip and passes it to Sammy who then gives the bottle to me. I still remember what the boys told me what I did the last time I drank Tequila and I don't want to make a weird first impression to Sammy, so I pretend to sip the bottle. We're 2 hours further now and the guys are drunk as fuck, it's really hilarious. J thinks that he's a pig, god knows why and Sammy's just making silly jokes like ' hey Johnson be careful or we need to call you an hambulance!' And G... oh well G he's saying cringy pickup lines and compliments, they are very cringy but also very funny. One of them was 'Malia, if you were a burger at McDonalds you'd be a McGorgeous'. I laughed my ass of with that one, I feel like a kindergarten teacher. It's already 2 am and I'm really tired but I don't trust them on their own. So I try to get them to their rooms and that was an adventure on its own. The first one I take to his room is Sammy and that goes quite easily, the only issue was finding his room but in the end we made it work. Then came J, that was another story. He was convinces he was a pig so he kept saying he had to go back to the farm. Eventually I got him to believe his bedroom was his farm and he went to bed as well. It took me 40 minutes to get 2 guys to their bedrooms.

I go back to the living room and G's looking at me with a big ass smirk on his face. I just know this will be a nightmare, the smirk is a sign that he has something up his sleeve.

C'mon Jack, time to go to bed.

Only if I get a kissy from you missy. I 'm kinda shocked because I definitely didn't expect that. He's acting really weird, I mean all of them are acting weird but this is a whole other kind of weird.

Fine you'll get one if you go to your bed and sleep. His eyes get a sparkle in them I've never seen and he runs past me and up the stairs to his room. at least I got this one to his bed in under 5 minutes. I follow him upstairs and check on the other two to make sure they are in their bed and both of them are a sleep. Then I make my way to Gilinsky's room to make sure that he's a sleep as well. He's still awake and I give him a quick kiss on the forehead so that he stopped asking for his kiss. How I wish I could kiss him on the lips but he's drunk and probably doesn't mean any of this. He looks adorable, I'm about to leave his room when he grabs my hand.

Malia, you know that I would never do to you what your stupid ex did to you today right? How much cuter can this guy get, seriously.

Yes, I know that Jack.

If I ever see that guy I swear I'll beat him to death, you don't do that to the girl I... to you. I'm very confused right now, what was he about to say? I want to ask him but he's already fast asleep. I leave his room and by the time I get in my own bed it's 3am. It took me 1 hour to but 3 adult men to bed, it's crazy. I close my eyes and feel asleep within seconds. 

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