18. Dublin

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Malia pov

It's been 2 days since we left our hotel in London and we're in Manchester now. We just finished our show and have to get straight on the bus to drive to Dublin. Tomorrow is my birthday and our last performance and I’m really sad about it. Not only because of the last performance but also because it’s my last day with the boys. I leave the day after tomorrow in the morning back to Belgium and the boys leave in the afternoon back to LA.  I hope we keep in contact, I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose them. They’ve become such good friends of mine.

Malia, are you coming? G asks me. I nod my head and follow the boys to the bus.

So, what are we going to do on our last night of tour together? J asks us.

What if we just watch a movie together and enjoy each other’s company while we still can? I ask with a sad voice, I really don’t want all of this to end.

Yeah, that sounds fun. G says. I go to the bunks and take out my pajama, since it’s freaking hot in the bus I take a tank top and some booty shorts. I go back to the lounge and G is already sitting there.

Mal can you put in the DVD please? I bend over and put in the DVD. We’re watching 21 jump street, It’s a good movie so I don’t mind and I got to choose the last movie so it’s only fair one of the boys gets to chose now. I turn around and I just now notice G is sitting on the sofa in only gray sweats. How did I miss that the first time. Let me tell you that man looks sexy and I can’t help but blush. I sit down next to him and try to hide my blush.

Are you blushing? He asks me.

No I'm not. I say

Yes, you are Malia. Why are you blushing? He says with a big smirk on his face. Fuck, he knows he so knows why I’m blushing. He just loves torturing me, I can’t exactly say oh you know because you look sexy as fuck. That probably won’t end well. My eyes suddenly fall on the pillow that is covering G’s crotch. That wasn’t there when I came in? OMG , does he have a boner? He notices that I’ve seen the pillow and he starts blushing as well.
Johnson comes walking into the room and he’s looking at us weirdly. I mean the tension is very visible and he’s not stupid oh and the fact that we’re both sitting here with red cheeks and G has a pillow on his crotch, besides that we’re all good, nothing to see here. He starts smirking and I can tell he’s about to start teasing or saying stupid shit so I quickly change the subject.
Let's just start the movie. J sits down next to me and we start the movie. Half way through the movie I notice both boys fell asleep. J is sleeping on my shoulder and G is sleeping on my stomach while I lay with my feet on the table in front of us. I’m really going to miss them, I can’t believe tomorrow all of this will be over. I feel my eyes getting sleepy as well and I doze off.

WAKE UP WAKE UP! someone’s yelling at me, I open my eyes and the boys are standing in front of me with a plate of pancakes and they start singing.
When they're done singing I give them both a big hug and thank them. They give me the stack of pancakes with 20 candles on it. Only those two would put 20 candles on pancakes.

Do a wish! J says. Hmm what should I wish for this year. I look at G and close my eyes. I wish I stay in contact with the boys and we stay as close as we are now. I blow out my candles and open my eyes again only to be met with Gilinsky’s big brown eyes and my heart does a little flip.
Present time G yells. He pulls out something wrapped  from behind his back. This is a present from Johnson and I. He gives me the present and I tear the paper open and see a beautiful pink notebook with my initials in golden letters.

Omg it’s gorgeous thank you so much guys! I say while bringing them into a group hug.

We figured since you’re staring your career, you need a notebook for your songs. J says.

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