10.First Performance

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Gilinsky pov

After the meet and greet J and I meet up with the crew to finalize the last details about the show. A bit later it's time for Malia to perform and Johnson goes to get her. I see Johnson literally dragging Malia backstage, there I have my answer on how she's feeling. She looks terrified and anxious, I hope she doesn't freeze when she's on stage that would be very bad publicity for her and us, that and she would probably want to quit and I really want her to stay on this tour so I can get to know het better. One of the crew members gives her a little push and she quickly looks at J and I one last time. Both of us give her a big thumbs up and a big smile, let's just hope this goes all right and the fans love her. She goes on stage but doesn't look at the fans right away, she's looking at the floor. You can see how nervous she is, I look at J next to me and he's just as nervous as I am. C'mon Malia you can do this, just look up. She looks back at J and I for reassurance and I wave my hand a bit to show her she has to start and has to look up. You can clearly see her panicking but than after a few seconds she finally looks up and starts to speak.

Hi, I'm Malia Conte, a friend of Jack and Jack and this is my first performance like ever. So please bear with me. I don't have any songs of my own yet, so I'm just going to sing a couple of covers for you guys. This is risk it all from the Vamps, I hope you enjoy it!

You just know 

 sometimes you feel it in your bones 

 Though we've heard that hearts can still be wrong 

 Something's telling me that you're the one 


Bro I'm so glad she had a great start, it might have been a little iffy in the beginning but she recovered great.

Yeah dude, my heart stopped when she walked on that stage, she was so nervous I had to drag her here. I was so scared she wasn't going to speak at all and just completely freeze. We wouldn't even be able to do anything because the second we get on that stage the fans would go crazy so I'm glad she did great.

Same, I'm pretty sure I held my breath until she started speaking I say laughing. Dude she's rocking that stage and it looks like the fans love her, we made a great choice by taking her with us. Listen to her, she truly has the voice of an angel.

I see Johnson nodding his head and for the rest of the hour we just watch Malia's performance. I'm glad she's doing okay, she's so insecure which I really do not get cause she is a gorgeous girl with an amazing voice. I hope that now she knows the fans like her no skip that love her, she will get more comfortable on stage and realise just how good she really is. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I see a text from out manager.

Hi Jack, with the new album paparazzi is everywhere so make sure you don't do anything you don't want in the papers. You know how those guys get when they're trying to get a juicy story. Keep an eye out for the new girl she's not used to all of this yet. You and Johnson are doing great, I'll be in touch.

I quickly send an okay back and show the message to J.

Malia's finished with her performance so that means we need to be ready in 15 minutes. The audience is clapping really loud and I see Malia walking towards us with a huge smile on her face. I'm probably smiling just as big just because I'm so happy she had a great first performance. She was better than I was. The first few times I was performing with Magcon Shawn had to force me to sing with him. It was very noticeable I was nervous, while Malia broke completely out of her shell and looked like a superstar. I give her a quick hug and tell her she did great, she gives J also a quick hug and wishes us good luck. I take my mike and get ready to go on stage. J and I do our ritual before every show and then J runs on stage and starts singing ' promise me, promise me, promise me..." with his robot voice. I take one last deep breath and step on the stage and start singing.

Day Dreaming ~Jack Gilinsky~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora