17. Hotel

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Malia POV

I’m rudely woken up by my ringtone all of a sudden. I check the time and it’s 5 am. What kind of idiot is calling me at 5 in the morning? There better be someone dying cause if it’s for something stupid the person that’s calling is gonna die. I squint my eyes open and the light of my stupid phone blinds me, after a few seconds my eyes get used to the light and I see it’s G calling. What the heck! Why the fuck would he be calling. Just to check if nothing’s wrong I pick up.

Hey Malia, are you up?

What kind of stupid ass question is that, of course I’m up because of you. What do you want G, there better be somebody dying.

Nobody’s dying and great! Grab something warm and I’ll meet you at your door in 2.

How about no. It’s fucking 5 am Jack, I’m not going anywhere! Goodnight!
I hang up without giving him the chance to react and go back to sleep or that was the plan at least. I was just about to fall a sleep when there was a knock on my door. I  ignore it but seconds later the knocking is back and it doesn’t stop this time. If that is who I think it is, he better start planning his funeral.  I get out of bed and open my door, to no surprise the devil himself is standing there with a stupid smile on his face.

What the fuck is your problem? I whisper yell. I don’t want to annoy the neighbours more than he already has with his knocking.

Great you’re up. Grab something warm and let’s go.

I don’t know if you are just straight up dumb or crazy but you realize it is 5 in the morning right?

Yes Mal I know it is 5 in the morning. Don’t know if you know this but in America they teach us to read time as well.

Why are you at my door at 5 am then ?
Because I want to show you something. C’mon Mal, please just come. He starts pouting and uses the puppy eyes he knows I can’t say no to.

This is so not far, you’re using the puppy eyes. I say while grabbing a hoodie and my keycard.  He starts laughing and grabs my hand and drags me towards the elevators.

So, where are you taking me?

You’ll see. He pushes the button for the roof and I’m so confused right now.  I notice that he still hasn’t let my hand go even though we’re in an elevator and I can’t run but I’m too tired to care or overthink at the moment. The doors open and he takes me to a few lounge chairs.

Why did you bring me here ? I ask very confused.

Look up. He says with the cutest smile ever. I look up and there are about a thousand stars above us, it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. The sky is super clear, there are zero clouds and the stars are like thousands of little diamonds in the air.

Who would have thought it would take stars to make the Malia Conte speechless. he says with a playful smile.

It’s just so beautiful I say I’ve never seen the sky like this.
He let’s go of my hand and lays himself down on one of the lounge chairs and looks up to the stars. I immediately feel the loss of warmth and I kinda wished he would’ve held my hand a bit longer, don’t know why tho probably just my tired brain speaking. I lay down next to him and we watch the sky in complete silence for a minute. We’re both just admiring the gorgeous view in front of us.

So aren’t you glad I woke you up for this ? that cute smile is back and let’s be real here how can you be mad when he’s looking this cute?

Day Dreaming ~Jack Gilinsky~Where stories live. Discover now