16. 1st Night in London part 2

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Malia pov

The boys and I are just finished with our performance and I run up to G and jump into his arms and accept the sweaty hug. I guess that after all these weeks I don't care about his smell and sweat anymore.  I'm never going to admit that tho so I complain about his smell like I always do. We go backstage and freshen up while we wait for our parents. The door opens and my mom gives me a very tight hug and when I say tight I mean I can't breath anymore tight. She keeps telling me how proud she is and I even see a tear rolling down her face. The rest of the families come short after and we're all talking with our parents. My sister gives me a hug and tells me I rocked that stage and my dad is telling me how proud he is and I see he's getting emotional but he wants to act tough. We talk for a few minutes about the show and Liv is fangirling about the boys again when I suddenly feel someone tapping my shoulder. I turn around and Gilinsky is standing there.

Hey euhm I'm going out with my parents for dinner, I just wanted to tell you.

Oh sure, my parents are leaving and I think J's parents are leaving as well so I'll probably go grab something to eat with Johnson.  Have fun with your family.

Okay great, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. He gives me a quick hug and leaves to meet up with his family. I turn back to my parents and see my mom smirking at me.

Why are you looking at me like that? I ask her.

He seems like a nice boy, very handsome as well! Oh my god, she did not just say that. Why does everybody keep saying stuff like that. I shrug it off and change the subject. We talk for a little bit longer with the Johnson family and then it's time for our parents to leave and it's just me and Johnson left.

Are you hungry? He asks me

Starving! I say.

Let's go then I know a great place to eat. We leave the venue and take an uber to a cute Italian restaurant.

I hope you like pasta? He says with a big smile on his face.

Yes, I love pasta! It's one of my favorite dishes. I say while smiling. I really do love pasta, so he couldn't have chosen a better restaurant. We both take a seat and decide to eat spaghetti. As much fun as it would be to have G with us, I'm actually glad to spend some time alone with Johnson. We've gotten close over the course of time but it has always been either the three of us hanging out or me and Gilinsky.

So J I was thinking about starting to write my own songs. I figured I can't keep singing covers for the rest of my life. 

Yeah, I think that's a great idea! He says.

I've never written my own songs tho so I was wondering if you or G could help me a bit.

I would love to help and I'm sure Gilinsky would love to help as well. Both of us know how hard it can be to start writing songs. You just need to find the inspiration.

But where do I find that inspiration, that's the question.

We write about girls most of the time so if you want to write think about a special guy in your life. You could also write about a past boyfriend or a friendship, you can write about anything really. You just need to go for it and put your thoughts on paper. What G and I always do is carry around a notebook where we can write quotes or lyrics in.

Thanks for the advise J. I guess I could write about my relationship with Kyle or about the tour experience. Our spaghetti arrives and we eat in silence for a few minutes and then we start talking again. Don't ask me how but suddenly we're both telling embarrassing stories. I'm telling him the story about my wisdom teeth removal.
I kid you not I was so high on that drug I don't even remember anything. Imagine sitting in class on Monday and your English teacher telling you that you called him to tell him you had a sex dream about him. Oh and apparently I didn't end there no I explained my entire dream to him. That was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I had to sit in that mans class for an entire year.

Oh my god this is the best story ever! He starts laughing even harder and he starts choking on his spaghetti and it flies all over the table. I can't control my laughter anymore and start laughing really loud, the entire restaurant is probably looking at us but we couldn't care less. We talk for a bit more and laugh a lot more as well, I feel bad for the people in that restaurant. Once we're done we pay and leave the restaurant. We decide to walk since the hotel is not that far but that was probably a bad choice cause not even 2 minutes into the walk it starts pouring.
We take shelter under a big roof but the night only gets better when a car drives by and drives into a big puddle of water and it soaks the both of us. We start laughing and start running to the hotel, it's not like we can get any wetter than we are now.
A few minutes later we arrive in the hotel and I quickly go to my room, change clothes and go back to Johnsons room.

Do you like karaoke? He asks out of nowhere when I enter the room.

Yeah, I'm a singer of course I love karaoke. I say in a duh tone.
He takes a karaoke game and we start singing, I'm very sorry for our neighbors cause we're not even trying to song good. 30 minutes later we call it a night and I go back to my hotel room to take a long and warm bath. I open my tab but no water is coming out of it. What the heck! I call the front desk and they say they can't do anything about it till morning so I decide to go to the boys room and shower there.

Hey what's wrong? J asks

My bathtub doesn't work. Can I please use your bath?

Yeah, of course come in. I look around and Gilinsky is still nowhere to be seen, I guess he's having a great time with his family. I go to the bathroom and get into the warm bath. I'm just enjoying my bath when my door suddenly opens and Gilinsky is standing in the bathroom.  I start screaming and throw the first thing I can get my hands on to his head. It turns out that thing was my towel, probably not the smartest thing move but who cares. I'm pissed I can't believe he just came into the bathroom. I really thought he was different! I guess there really are no good guys left in this world. I feel ashamed, vulnerable and above all pissed. Johnson had to have told him I'm in here and he still came in what the fuck. Here I thought he was different than Kyle or any other guy I've ever met. I get out of the bath, get dressed and leave the room without even giving him a glance. He's the last fucking person I want to see right now.  I run to my room and start crying, I don't even know why I'm crying. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, that better not be Gilinsky. I really don't want to see him now because god knows what I would say or do. 

Who's there? I ask

It's me G. God that boy has some nerve coming to my room right now. Why is he even here to laugh with me or to rub it in my face that he saw me practically naked, I mean those bubbles obviously didn't cover everything.

Just leave Jack, you're the last person I want to see right now.  I hear him let out a big sight and he starts speaking again.

Look, I'm so sorry Malia. I really didn't know you were in there if I would have known I would've never entered the room. I thought it was just me and Johnson in the room and he forgot to tell me you were in there. Please Malia open your door.
He sounds very sincere but I don't know what if it's just one of his games. I hear some ruffling against the door and I guess he went to sit down. What am I even doing I have shared a bus with that guy and he has never done anything to disrespect me. I decide to at least open my door and talk to him face to face.

I thought you did it on purpose. I try to sound confident but my voice betrays me.

No! Malia please, I'm not that type of guy. You have to believe me and if it makes you feel better I didn't see anything. I immediately closed my eyes when I realized you were in the bath.
He looks so sad oh my god, I should have know he would never do anything like this. Now I feel bad for overreacting.

It's okay! I overreacted I should have known you would never walk into the room knowing I was in there.

So we're good? He asks while he opens his arms. How can you deny a hug from the Jack Gilinsky.

Yeah we're good. I say while throwing my arms around his neck. He gives really good hugs and I love the way he smells. I know I say this a lot but he just smells really good, I hope I don't sound weird saying that. We hug each other a bit longer and then we say goodnight. He goes back to his room and I go back to my bed wondering what I did to deserve to be friends with a guy like him.

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