4. Brussels

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Malia POV

I wake up and the first thing I do is text Gilinsky so I know when they'll pick me up for their tour of Brussels.

I put my phone away and get ready for the day

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I put my phone away and get ready for the day. I go downstairs and quickly eat breakfast with my parents and tell them I'll be out with Elay all day. Thank god I have Elay, don't know what I would do without her. She covers me so much, I'd be lost without her. After breakfast I go back to my room and tell Elay my plan for the day and if she were to run into my parents she had to hide or cover for me. My phone goes of with a text from Jack telling me they are here. I go downstairs say goodbye to my parents and sister and make my way to the corner of the street. I probably shouldn't be lying to my parents and sister but there is no way in hell I'm taking her with me. If my parents were to know they would force me to take her and I think the last thing the guys want is to deal with a fangirl all day.
I see a black Jeep so I'm guessing it's them, well I hope it's them. It would be pretty awkward to get into a strangers car. I don't have to worry about that for too long cause both of the guys get out of the car to greet me. I give both of them a hug and make my way to the passenger seat when they stop me.

What are you doing?

You're driving the car silly. They both start laughing with my confused face.

Why do I have to drive ? I ask still very confused.

You have your license right? J asks.

Yeah, but that still doesn't answer my question tho.

We don't know our way around and you do. G says. I guess that makes sense, I make my way to the driver's seat and wait for the boys to get in the car.
I hear Gilinsky yell Shotgun, I win!

You win, next time it's my turn.

You wish. G says while sticking out his tongue. I already know that I'm going to have my hands full with them today.

Well where do you want to go first. I ask no one in particular.

Uhm you choose, we have never been in Brussels accept for the concerts. J says from the backseat.

I guess we can start with our most famous landmarks first. Let's go to the Atomium. It's famous landmark of ours so what do you say?

Yeah that sounds nice , let's go. I start the car and connect my phone to the aux, if I'm driving I get to choose the music. One of my favorite songs start playing and I can't help myself from singing along.

I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up
But I just can't
It isn't in my blood.
I look at the boys and both of them are looking at me with their mouths wide open.

You can sing! G says more as a statement then a question. I look confused

Yeah, everyone can sing right?

No, not like that Malia. You have a beautiful voice , what do you think J?

It's really good, you should do something with your voice. I try to start another conversation because I'm not very comfortable talking about my voice.

Thanks , so how old are you guys? Let's start with the basics because I'm not some fangirl who knows every little details about them.

I'm 23 and J's 24. What about you?

I'm 19 , almost 20. I say.

Oh when is your birthday? Gilinsky asks.

In 2 months and a few days, but we're here. Get your lazy asses up boys you're in for an adventure with me as your guide. I show them around the Atomium and then we go to the center of Brussels to see Manneken Pis.

Brussels is a beautiful city. Maybe we could take you to LA and show you around our city sometime? G says.

That would be awesome, I've always wanted to visit LA one day. It's been a dream of mine ever since I was a little girl ! Oh wait guys there's one more thing I want to show you for today. It's one of my favorite places ever so follow me. I get very excited all of a sudden, I'm about to take them to some shop that sells the best chocolat ever. We get to know each other a bit more on our way to the place and I can say that I really like these guys. There not at all like I envisioned them. They're really sweet and nice and really down to earth. Not what I expected at all but I really like them.

So where are you taking us Mal? I mean , I can say Mal right? G asks. I guess he can call me Mal, all my friends call me that and since I like them I can consider them friends.

Yeah of course you can. And I'm taking you guys to one of the best chocolate shops in the entire world.  We enter the shop and I order a few different  kinds and then we make our way back to the car. The boys taste the chocolate in the car and they reacted just like I figured they would. They absolutely loved it and wanted to take the rest back on tour with them.
While we're driving to my place the guys and I talk some more and I really don't want to leave them. After today I really like them, the thought I might never see these goofs again is terrible. I stay in the car for another 10 minutes and say goodbye. The guys really had to leave because they had to return the rental car and had to get ready to leave for Paris tomorrow. I get back home and Elays comes over and I tell her all about today and show her some of the pictures we took. I really hope I see them again but it's very unlikely. I mean they are two famous American guys, why would they ever keep in contact with a regular girl from Belgium.

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