Hearing no response from the furious brunette, Lisa sprang out of her seat and ran after her before she could reach the handle of the door.


"Jennie, stop." She grabbed her wrist.

"No, you stop. You're pissing me off."

"How am I pissing you off? I'm literally letting you design it by yourself without arguing about how it looks!"

"But I needed your opinions!"

"Well yeah but you don't even listen to them?!"

"That's not the point! I just wanted you to give me some attention, that's all I was asking for yet you were just sleeping beside me!"

"You could have just told me you wanted me awake instead of just flaring up like this and acting all stubborn!"

"You know what? I'm just going to go home. You don't have to fetch me today since you're obviously not in the mood to." The brunette glared at Lisa one last time and pried her wrists out of her boss's tight grip.

But Lisa stopped her by her other wrist.

"Why are we fighting over a game?"

"I don't know, ask yourself."

"Come on, can we not do this?" Lisa begged.

"I wasn't angry until you tried walking out on me halfway." Jennie replied slightly less harsh, lowering her tone.

"Okay I'm sorry, please don't be mad anymore." Lisa said sincerely, and Jennie felt the back of her head burn from her immense stares.

She turned around to fully face her boss and her anger immediately vanished once Lisa flashed a small smile at her. But before she could comply, the pretty boss leaned down and captured her lips in her own as tenderly as she could.

Her arms slid it's way around Jennie's waist and she pressed them against the back of the office door smoothly. Her arms entirely around Jennie made the girl feel extra safe, and loved. The brunette returned the kiss and gripped onto Lisa's neck, pulling her closer.

When they let go, they were smiling, breathless.

The anger that was there before completely went away.

"I'm sorry, forgive me."

The brunette pursed her lips before releasing her hands and intertwining them instead, leading Lisa back to her desk with an uneasy heartbeat as the both of them took their seats.

The next couple of hours went by in a flash as the two were finally being civil and productive. Since Jennie deleted her entire blueprint of the texture packs, they had to restart the entire thing from scratch.

However it was working efficiently thanks to Lisa and they managed to finalise the last bit of components that filled the game. Though they only spent a few days working on the game, it was already ready for production. It had been expected to take a longer time yet Jennie's fussy ass managed to put everything together in less than a week as she has been working on it almost every second of each day. Lisa was honestly to say quite impressed by the rate.

Once they were done, the CEO wasted no time in sending the files to the development team and they were approved.

Now all they had to do was wait patiently before "NiNi's Kingdom" was ready for release. A journey-filled online game where the world is a literal fantasy. Characters spawned can loot chests, fight mobs and trade with other players. Though players have the liberty to do whatever they wanted in the game and raid maps, there was a ranking system in which every time they get killed, their power bar drops. If it's empty, they wouldn't have access to rare chests and biomes. Player's ranks would be determined by their death counts so if they never died, zero would be the highest rank and they would be able to own the best loots. Tournaments would open from time to time and players can brawl against each other where power bars can be obtained from each player killed and that's how a player's rank can resurface. Though it sounds extremely swag, the concept was the total opposite. It was cute. The characters were food, as well as the weapons and literally the entire game.

All in all, Jennie and Lisa were both very satisfied with the way the game has been designed.

Indeed, Jennie Kim never disappoints.

She was extremely pleased with the end result of her first mmo game and couldn't help but manifest with the fact that the world would be playing it once it was released.

It felt like heaven at it's finest if there was a heaven. For a life-long dream to be accomplished at the age of only twenty four. Jennie once thought she would never have this chance of developing her own game, yet she was wrong.

She did it.

And it was achievable because there was Lisa.

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