"Hi I am Y/N I am looking for my grandma's room?" I say in a hurry. Then the lady gives me the room number and I run to the room as I am dragging Ryujin along. 

When we reached the room I slid the door open to see my grandma on the bed and my parents standing up to look at me. My parents both hugged me as I started crying.

"Honey... your grandma has pneumonia..." I cover my mouth as I am about to start crying when my dad told me this.

"She only has 2 weeks left to live. We tried out best but they say there is nothing else we can do for her..." I dropped down on my knees looking down. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. I thought to myself, "2 weeks!? Only 2 weeks!?" I felt hopeless...

After sometime Ryujin pulls me up to sit on the chair next to my grandma and I hold her hand as she is sleeping. My parents walked out of the room to give us privacy.

"Ryujin is it okay if I can stay here alone with my grandma for a while?" I ask her and she nods then walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

"Why couldn't I have been able to spend more time with you?" I start tearing up as I struggled to face her.

"Grandma... please don't leave yet... you have not seen me even graduate university yet or any of my future kids..." The tears wouldn't stop flowing.

"I will tell you a little bit about how my life is like... well I took a break from University since I got overwhelmed... Then I got accepted in a job at JYP for photography! Remember grandma how much you supported me wanting to get a good job in photography...?" I wait for a response but got my hopes up as she probably can't even hear what I am saying. 

"I keep thinking about this girl lately grandma. I saved her life a year before and I saw her again! I thought I would never see her again. Im glad to know her." I think about Dahyun and how she is going to explain everything.

As I kept talking the doctors came in and said I needed to be excused out of the room as they have to do some kind of medical procedure on my grandma. I held my grandma's hand tightly and whisper "Bye grandma... I'll be back after..." I stood up and left the room as I wiped my tears. Then I see Ryujin sitting on the chairs outside in the hall way waiting for me. I hug her tightly as I cried on her shoulder. 

"Cry it all out, it's okay... we can talk about it after you finish crying." I nod and continue to cry on her shoulder. After I finished she took my hand and walked outside the hospital to a bench and we both sat down.

"Talk to me about it, you can tell me about anything you are thinking about right now." She says to me in a concerned but serious face.

"W-well I have always been my grandma's favorite grandchild. She used to always visit from Korea and surprise me with gifts all the time. She helped me find my hobby of photography. She noticed I always loved to use a plastic camera to take fake pictures and one day for my birthday she gave me a camera and told me. "Make sure to put this camera into good use I expect to see some lovely pictures some day" I never got to show her the photos I have worked on..." I clench my jaw trying to stop myself from crying. I cling onto Ryujin before continuing.

"She was always supportive of me when I was younger. She used to take care of me when my parents were overseas and she would never judge me for anything I had to say. But one day she was not able to come back and visit me. I thought maybe she was busy with her work and till this day I never knew the reason. Now to see her like this is painful..." I start tearing up again. Ryujin notices.

"I know these are experiences you have had with her in the past but at least you were able to be with her for some moments. Don't feel regretful for not being able to spend time with her I am sure she understands your reasons. She will still be here for you even if she may not be around." I nod looking at her after her response. She is right.

"Why don't we cheer up and get some ice cream? What do you think about that?" She tries to smile at me making me feel better and I nod again then we walked to the nearest ice cream shop.

"I already know what flavor ice cream you want" She smiles at me and I smile back feeling a bit flustered. She orders me cookies and cream ice cream. We sit down and start talking about funny moments that has happened throughout our friendship. I think to myself, "She really has been there for me and she makes me smile a lot. Is this the best choice for me?" As we finished I am not able to go back to the hospital tonight since they are still doing the procedure so I decided to go home with Ryujin. 

When we arrived home we both sat down on the couch and watch a movie together while cuddling. I thought, "She makes me feel loved..." then I drifted off to sleep.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now