"So who's car is that Honda Civic? Minnie's?" I asked and the boys looked at me like I said something wrong. Wasn't that a Honda Civic? "You know about cars?" it was Akshay who asked and I became quite annoyed "Why? Can't I know about cars?" I asked in pure annoyance. "It's not like that. Most girls don't know about cars and those who know will not say to become more girly" He puts air quotations at girly and I rolled my eyes. "Thank God she is not like most girls" Ruby said and they again had a staring competition. Mathew and I looked at each other clearly fed up with both our friends. "It is Minnie's. The Jeep is ours" Mr. Clair said and one of the main reason was he doesn't want to witness a murder and can't blame him, the way Ruby and Akshay was looking at each other felt like one of them is going to strangle the other one to death. Which is not true. But both of them didn't gave up until Mathew said something, "I love you" he winked at me. I tried not to laugh when both of their heads turned to us and was staring like there isn't anyone else. Even Mr. Clair was confused. "Sister" he added and both of their face turned to huge disappointment. "I love you too brother." I said back and Mr. Clair, me and Mathew laughed. They both groaned. "You broke my heart Mathew." Ruby said and Mathew replied with a smirk, "Enjoy your friendship before I am going to take it" Ruby was shocked and changed it into joking mode, asking "You just joking" "Believe me I am not" And we all laughed while Ruby sat there thinking if he is serious or not. 

We went to Mathew's room, which was in the upstairs, after eating dinner, which we felt bad because Minnie wasn't back from work yet. Mrs. Claire told us it was okay due to the reason that she gets pretty late to come back from work and we will just die starving if we wait for her. She also added that Minnie might eat from restaurant if she gets super hungry and that waiting for her isn't the ideal idea. We set upped a small tent like thing using blankets, cushions, pillows and all those comfy things we could find. With snacks and drinks that Mr. and Mrs. Claire has brought us we could survive for years unless and until food doesn't run out. We Watched a movie called Life of Pi which was an amazing movie. Akshay stated that the guy who has acted the older version of Pi is an Indian and is a famous actor too. When that movie was finished we didn't knew what to do that we laid inside the tent for what it felt like hours but we weren't bored. "Hey?" I whispered through the comfortable silence in the dark, the only light coming from the full moon. "Hello" Mathew replied back and I think he felt my confusion in the air so he continued after a minute "They are slept" "Hmm" I said and slowly I was also taken by sleep.

Amber eyes. Teeth like pearl between her blood red lips. Smiling at me. I closed my eyes and opened to see no one there. Just a garden. But I heard the calling. Somebody was calling for me. "Janet...." Like whispers they were hummed in my ears. I turned around to see who was there. No one. "Janet..." One more time. I know this sound. But who is it? I glanced around quickly when something shiny caught my eyes. I looked there again. Something in golden color flickered between those flowers. I walked towards there. The thing has disappeared. I looked again to find out that the thing has moved front. I followed it. The white dress of mine didn't even got caught once in the bushes or flowers. I followed it deep and deep until I was in some other place. It was cold and there was storm. The sea in front of me was terrible. It was sad. The whole climate was not in a good mood. There was depression, heart breaks, hatred. Everything in the climate and I knew it. I looked in front to see the hair I was so familiar with. But why was she here? "Monica?" I called out trying to reach her hand but she quickly turned. I was shocked. But how is this possible? She is dead. "Moana?" my voice came out barely audible. "Yes. You can't forget me. After all how can you forget someone you killed?" I gasped. "Moana, I didn't" I said. "You can lie to anyone but you can't lie to me. " She said "Moana.." I pleaded. "NO JANET. No. It's time for you to go. It is time for you to know how I felt. It is your time to die." Suddenly the waves washed me over to the sea. I tried my best fighting against the waves until I saw the eyes I have always hated. Those black dull ones of Monica's. "She always hated you. She never loved you. She only sympathized you." She laughed like a maniac after saying those words. I was dying.

Suddenly I woke up and I was in Mathew's room, inside the tent. My heart was beating fast and I was sweating. I was panting. I looked to my side and saw Ruby and Akshay sleeping peacefully. I smiled but the realization was clicked in a second. Where is Mathew? I got off the tent neither breaking it nor waking others up. I looked at the bathroom door, there was no light coming. Just to make sure I went near and knocked in the faintest but audible way possible. No response. I kept my ear on to the door. No sound. I tried to open the bathroom silently, which I succeeded, and looking inside it just made me fear more. There was enough light in the room as there was both the moon and sun in the sky. It is early morning. I crept out of the room, making sure they were safe in there. I looked downstairs, no one was there and no lights were on. I walked towards his parents' room, there was no sound from there. Can't decide if they are there or not. I walked towards Minerva's room, there was no sound from there too. But that's when I noticed the door towards a balcony which has a ladder through which we can get towards the roof was open. I suck in a breath. What if some intruder broke in? What if Mathew is hurt? What if the person is hiding in the shadows? I slowly made my way towards the balcony. No one. I should check the roof and if there is also no one I should inform Mr. and Mrs. Claire about their son who is missing and the opened door that leads to the roof. Taking several breaths, I climbed the ladder. I put my head and looked. What? "Mathew?" I asked and he turned around. "hey" he replied. I slowly made it to the roof and sat there, "Slowly, it's dangerous" he warned. Of course it is. I am not a stupid to think it isn't. I slowly walked but after a step or two I gave up and sat down. He giggled. "I will come" He walked as if he was walking on a straight road with no interruption. We sat there in complete silence until Mathew thought to break it. "Why are you awake?" he asked. "Nightmare. you?" I asked back. "Couldn't sleep" "Is it because of us?" I asked and he laughed. "No you stupid. I can't sleep some nights so I will spend the night here." He smiled at me and I smiled back. We sat there in complete silence watching the sun rise. This is the first time I am seeing a sunrise. Every time I wake up early in the morning, I would be too busy in my own thoughts or dressing for an early trip. Maybe I should enjoy more little things in life.

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