Part 20- Curbing Shadows.

Comenzar desde el principio

"What the—you know what, I'm not even gonna argue with you right now" he waved off as he ordered them both two packs of KFC with a can of Pepsi each

"Well hello there 'Mr. I-plan-on-making-my-best-friend-fat-and-unhealthy' " she said as he got them settled in one of the tables.

"More like 'Mr. I-plan-on-making-my-best-friend-more-thick-and-sexy', and you're welcome by the way" he said as he unwrapped the spicy chicken wings.

As they delved their way through the spiced meat, Maldives sighed and moaned as she savored the rich spicy taste which filled her mouth, causing Christian to throw her a look of disapproval.

"...mmhmm..soo good..."she kept mumbling beneath her breath.

"Oh no you don't, not on my table Missy" he cut her in between.


"Don't be making those stupid sounds in front of me, I'm not one of them"

"Huh? One of who?"

"Em ignorant boys who are too blind to realize the fact that dick is sweeter than pussy" he stated.

"Oh I can attest to that!" she chuckled.

"Of course you can...speaking of which, did you get some?"


"Dick, did you some during your trip to SA?"

"Oh...that..." she swallowed.

" Mmhmm 'that', so?"

" Umm..."

"Oh you did, amazing, finally!" he said non-challantly as he took another bite off of the helpless chicken wings.

"WHAT?! How do you know that?!"

"Girl, I don't think I need to spell it out to you how much of a bad liar you are, but tell me, was it good?!" he queried.

"Ugh! You're unbelievable!" "You don't think I know that?" Christian asked sarcastically.

"Pfft... Well, was--it was the best" she confessed as she recalled the moments she shared with him and Christian gasped.

"Oh my God! I never knew South African guys were good, I should definitely try one!"

"Um--" she interrupted.

"What? You don't think South African guys will find me attractive? Or is it that you don't think that there are gay South African guys? Because trust me honey, there are, I come across them everday on my Tinder account" he pointed out.

"What are South African guys doing, swiping in the New York"

"I don't know, searching for exotic cocks maybe...but back to my question, what was all that 'umming' about? You wouldn't recommend a South African guy to me?

"No, no, that's not it, it's just--never mind, I agree with you, you should try one"

"Humph! We'll see! So, tell me"

"Tell you what?"

"The details dammit! When did we stop becoming best friends?! Tell me everything! I wanna know where you met the gentleman who managed to take the cobwebs off your 'viagra' " he winked and Maldives scoffed to hide the blush she felt creeping up her face. "...go on girl, blush, you know don't need to hide it with me" he teased and she burst into the cheesiest smile he had ever seen on her face. "You're silly Christian!"

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know, but come on, feed me with something! I'm not letting you off of this one easily...oh and, before you start, was your boss aware you fooled around whilst you were on an official trip, or was he too busy being Dr. Stiff Face throughout the entire trip? "

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