Mistletoe Bruises

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  I woke with a headache. Dan's mom forced me in to drinking a few glasses of wine, much to Dan's amusement. Luckily,  I did not make a scene. But I did say some things to Dan when we were in his room. The jerk decided to stay completely sober. He fiddled with the door knob and opened it hesitantly, as I leaned on to him. We walked in to the room slowly.

"You wanna know something? " I mumbled with a smirk.

"Hmm?" He said with a chuckle.

"I think-I um, what was I gonna say? Oh yeah, I find you very attractive. "


"Yeah, mhmm. I do. I really do."

"Well so do I."

"Really?Why? I'm hideous. Besides I'm so dreadful."

"No. Stop lying."

"You know what you are?"


"Sexy." I pulled him towards the bed, making an obvious move on him. I grabbed his leg.

"As much as I would love to.." He cleared his throat and looked down at my dress. "We cannot. I don't like the state you are in. You are a sexual drunk. Wow, I never saw that coming. I thought you would be the tired or emotional kind. But anyways,  we can't."

"Oh? That's fine. I have NEVER offered myself like that. Wow. I am losing my reputation. " I laughed and he laughed as well. "But hey, who cares?" I pulled him by his belt loops. He responded with a kiss.

"Go to bed, kid."

"Okay, daddy."

  He cleared his throat, nervously. His eyes darted around looking at me all over.  Immediately, Dan turned around looking for his sweat pants in his closet. I took advantage of the moment to get undressed. In my state of mind, I was so stupid I thought I could undress and get in my pyjamas before he turned around. I slipped my dress off as well as my tights. I almost tripped and hit my arm against the desk.

"Motherfu-" I grunted.

"SHH." He said before turning around. He gawked at me.

"Crap." I mumbled,  maintaining full eye contact.

"You like me seeing you half naked don't you?" He laughed.

"..No?" I said tilting my head.

"Are you still trying to seduce me?"

"Seduce. Me. You? No. I don't think so. Pyjamas. I need." I hiccuped.

"God, you are drunk."

"Duh. That is what I have been-" Hiccup. "Trying to tell you!"

"Okay come on you go to sleep." He said with a chuckle, and pushed me gently on to the bed.

"But. But. But my pj's. I need them. What about my p..."  I fell asleep.


Like I said, huge headache. I groaned and clutched my head and looked at Dan. Asleep like a corpse. I shivered. Wait, shivered? I picked up the blanket. I was in only my undergarments.

"Woah. Wait. Wait what? No. Wait." My chest swole with.. Happiness? Regret? No more like shame. Did I really lose my (I refuse to say the v-word), and I couldn't even remember? I started sobbing. I heard Dan groan. Quickly, I wiped my tears and pretended to sleep. He sighed and kissed my cheek.

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