The Tides

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I sat in a table in the corner. One by one girls and boys of all ages came up to Kathy, Dan, and Phil. Thankfully, nobody seemed to notice me and if they did they were immediately distracted by something Phil joked about. I kept stifling chuckles as certain fans were creative and had a cheeky sense of humor when meeting them.

I stared at the door at the opposite of the room, until I felt a recognizable warmth on my shoulder.

"Hello," I whispered.

"We're taking a small break, and I know you're bored. How about you go find the smoothie place?" He whispered back.

"Oh, okay. You want something?"

"No, no. We're fine. I am. Be careful." He pressed his forehead against mine once I stood and he watched me exit the room.

I turned and gave him one last look but he did not notice as he was on his phone muttering quickly. My mind went in to full smoothie conquer mode. (Unfortunately, there was no action music.) I paced and power walked in all corners and yet I could not find it. I blew a curl out of my eyes in frustration.

My face found a hard chest and I fell back on to the ground. Groaning, I rubbed my head and focused on the person. Tall, lean, nicely dressed, young man. I whimpered. He was tall but not as tall as Dan, nearly there. His hair was curly and sort of pushed to the side.

His hand finds it's way in front of my face and I hold it as he joists me up.

"Peej," He shows me his hand again.

"Lilith," I shake it slowly.

"Sorry 'bout that by the way. It's just that I was strolling through because Dan told me to keep an eye on you because he was afraid of you getting lost-"

"Wait. Did you say-"

"Dan, yes."

"He told you to take care of me?"

"In a sense." His voice was deep and in some ways soothing, almost sweet.

"I can care for myself." My voice full of childish whine.

"That's what I told him. At first I thought you were his little cousin or something, but he told me you were twenty."

"Today I am, yes."

"Happy Birthday, then. Smoothies are this way."

"Oh thank you."

I followed him to a small, colorful bar outside. He ordered and paid.

"You don't have to-" I started, shuffling through my pockets for money.

"Birthday girl, please. I got this!" His laugh was sweet.

"So peej.." We sat at a table.

"Yes, ma'am? "

"Is your name just peej?"

"No. It's actually Pj, but almost everyone calls me Peej."

"Well, that's nice." I smiled slurping the strawberry pulp.

"How long have you and-" He clears his throat. "-Dan been, you know?"

Frustration bubbles inside as I remember that is not so easy just simply introducing myself, "Dunno, really."

"What do you mean?"

"I reckon the date is quite unofficial."


"I mean we are. But I don't know when it started exactly, it just sort of happened. Nobody really knows about us."

"Thought so." He says to himself looking down at the table.

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