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A few weeks later I woke up, and didn't feel cold as I always did. It was warm, and I noticed that the window was slightly open and a small breeze was making the curtains flap. My shoulders stretched and I laid on my elbows, but Dan's arm weight immediately put me down.

"Dan, jesus." I mumbled, and groaned. His eyebrows raised slightly, and I leaned in thinking he was awake. But his snore wiped that idea off completely, I shook my head. "The window is open." I whispered.

He groaned.

"I'll get it," He unwrapped his arm and I went to the window and opened it slightly to reveal a beautiful color in the sky. The sky was still a dark blue, but a slight orange at the bottom. "It's beautiful, oh my god."

Dan moved the sheets around, and I heard the thumping of his steps come from behind me. He opened the curtains more, "It is so beautiful."

"It reminds me of you," He muttered.


"I dunno, it's not just one boring color. It's different. It's mesmerizing."

"I am not mesmerizing," I crossed my arms. His words seemed pitiful.

"Today is an important day," He stretched upwards and yawned. I could slightly see his ribs. I swallowed.

"Why do you say that?"

"Video day," He pulled on a random black shirt from his drawer.

I felt my heart beat tighten, and it was hurting my chest. He kept saying something and I noticed him picking up clothes from the floor. Dan was talking quickly. He pulled out his tall filming light, and kept talking. But it sounded like we were underwater.

"We'll have breakfast and then film, how does that sound?" His voice sounded normal then. I didn't even think about it before responding, "Sounds like a plan."

He smiled a panicky smile, and walked out. I could see Dan in a new light, it was strange because I felt like I knew more about him without actually finding out more about him. He was sitting on a pedestal for me and I could not help but admire him.

When I reached the kitchen he already had the waffle maker ready. He didn't see me, but I just stared at him. I saw a bowl, which I guessed was the mix, he grabbed a little blue bottle. He smiled an incredibly beautiful smile and released a few little drops in to the mix and started to mix again.

"Are you making blue waffles?" I asked with a dorky smile.

He sniggered, "What is the point of waffles if they are not blue?"

"That's gross," I stuck my tongue out. He stuck his finger in the mix and put it on my nose. I attempted to lick it off but could not reach. Dan kissed my nose and had the mix along with it.

"Have I ever told you how much I love that you kiss my nose?" I kissed his chin.

"Have I ever told you how much I love the way you breathe when you sleep?" He giggled.

"The way I breathe?" My eyebrows were raised. "Yeah, it's so cute. It's so peaceful and you sound so happy and relieved. God you are so adorable, why are you so adorable?"

"I am not adorable," It felt strange because adorable made me sound like a little kid. "I am fierce."

"That too," He smiled. "But you are adorable."

"I don't like being 'adorable' I sound childish."

"You don't get it, when you look adorable I get this weird feeling in my stomach and it rises to my throat, like little butterflies. It's really weird. You look adorable all the time so I feel that all the time."

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