
"No, shut up!" Cancer was shaking, tears streaming down her cheeks. He was so blurry, she couldn't even make out his expression. "For once, just let me get it all out! You always have to get the last word in. Not this time."

Her heart was hammering in her chest as she kept going. Cancer felt herself shaking, hyperventilating. Scorpio reached out to her, but she slapped his hand away. With each step she took closer to him, he took one back. Scorpio was probably the only one who was afraid of her. "You can be so selfish, toxic, and a pain! And I am sick of being your anger dump when you don't get your way! You told Pisces you were 19 years old, so you need to act like it!"

Cancer was sobbing now, but it sounded off. Like mangled growls. Giving up, she squatted down and curled into a ball, sobbing into her arms. She squeezed her eyes shut, blotting out as much as she could.

Scorpio didn't intervene. A small part of Cancer wanted him to hold her. She wanted her brother, her stupid, impulsive, angry, sad brother.

At first, she didn't notice the shaking. But then, she convulsed into herself, gasping in fear. She got on her hands and knees, coughing and growling. Growling? Oh no-

Cancer didn't have time to register what was going on. The pain surged through her body like large, icy pinpricks. It tore a scream from her throat. Tears were rushing down, the grass below her dark, blurry patches of green.

It took so much effort to raise her head to look at Scorpio. He was still as blurry as ever, but Cancer knew he was crying, too. "Cancer..." His voice was pleading. It reminded her of their childhood. A small, sniffing Scorpio, begging for another sleepover to keep from going home.

She forced a smile, trying to get the words out. As much as Cancer was still mad and frustrated, she still cared. She didn't want Scorpio to cry, especially not over her. The words left her mouth, and all that came out was a deep bark.

One, final convulsion ripped through Cancer, the worst one of all. She screamed, wanting to let the pain take over and knock her out. Scorpio would have a meltdown if that happened.

When Cancer opened her eyes again, she was towering over Scorpio, who was still on the ground. When did he get so small? His eyes were wide, his mouth hanging open like he wanted to say something. Tears were still rolling down his cheeks.

Cancer tried to reassure him again, but another bark, deeper than the last, left her mouth. Why can't I speak? She started to pace around, whimpering with confusion. That's when Cancer looked down.

Paw prints. I'm leaving paw prints.

It sent Cancer into a panic, taking steps away from Scorpio. He shot up to his feet and held out his hand. "Cancer..." He called out, vigorously wiping his eyes. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm okay. You don't have to be afraid..."

Try as he might, Cancer was terrified. She continued to circle herself, taking in her new form. She had giant white paws, and a big fluffy tail. Cancer would have thought she was cute if she wasn't in such a panicked state. Too panicked to take a deep breath and listen to Scorpio.

Her instincts told her to run, so she did. "Cancer!" Scorpio was quick to chase her, but Cancer being a giant wolf, it made it difficult. She maneuvered through the trees with surprising finesse. Cancer didn't even know where she was heading, but she knew she couldn't hurt anyone if she was away from everyone. She sprinted for what seemed like hours, deep into the night.

"Cancer!" She dug her paws in the ground to stop her momentum. Someone called her. And it wasn't Scorpio. He must have been too far away. Stay away. She had no idea if anyone heard her voice, but she was sure the growls delivered her message well enough.

The Final Cycle: A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now