Earth Chapter 7: The Trek

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Hi everyone!

I want to apologize for updating late. This story will now go to a every-other week update due to the beginning of school shortly.

I also apologize for this short (and somewhat slow chapter). I promise it gets better!

(I also promise that the characters become easier to remember!)

Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!


"Alright alright! Up and 'attem! We got a long way to go!" Brandon's voice yells out too early.

I groan, my achy muscles even sorer then before but the medication working its magic. I feel the orphans rise around me as I plop my hand over my eyes, pretending not to notice.

"Ambie! Come on!" sweet little Angelia's voice calls as small tugs persist on my shirt.

"Amber! We are getting ready to leave without you!" My sister Rosa's voice calls from a distant.

I growl but snap my eyes open. "Fine!" With a painful huff, I make it onto my feet.

Everyone was currently packing their blankets into the backpack Brandon was holding open. The older three boys were putting out the fires while Kairo was examining the many wounds of the children.

I look up to see the Prince... I mean Alec, walking down a steep rocky trail that connected to the raised upper platform. I leap towards a fire as Alec's eyes fall upon me, pretending I couldn't see him.

Brandon goes to join Alec above. "The trail is clear," Prince Alec states.

Brandon taps his foot irritated, "Its colder than expected though. It'll be more dangerous. Plus, we are still weak."

The Prince's eyes darken. He sighs, overcome, "We could probably find a food source by the war camps. But it'll make our journey three-days longer than expected."

The two vampires look upon us, their adoptees. I swear I feel a certain someone's eyes upon me as the Prince smirks, "I think they are strong enough."

It took a few minutes before we were all in single-file making our way up the trail. The youngest were put in front with Brandon then they lined us up in order of age with a few of the older ones around the line. One of the 17-year old's was at the front, Daisy coming after our 6-year olds, me after our 14-year-old, standing by Rosa and Leila. The vampire Kairo after them. Then the rest were in order with the Prince in the very back.

The path was slow and hard. There were many breaks. Our days were long and tedious as we crossed the mountain range. Our nights became more and more uncomfortable as we were pushed closer and closer together on rocky openings. Most of my time was taken up by watching the younger ones. My nights were filled with me making-up stories and soothing nightmares. Snow began to fall around our third day caused for a very chilly time. To stay warm, each of us was given a torch to hold.

After finally a week of trekking through the cold and rocks, we finally make it to a large plain-like opening. Snow was on the barren soil but we were very excited to see actual soil instead of rocks.

"This way. Just a few more miles." Calls the Prince in the front of the line.

Our steps became stronger in excitement to get a warm meal and finally normal rest. As we finally walk up that finally hill, we come across one of the Prince's War camps.

My mouth drops. It was about three miles of rows and rows of white tents with an image of red rose. Everything was organized. Men in heavy armor and weaponry walked about in tightly formed lines, all trained, all looking deadly and terrifying.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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