Wind Chapter 1: Rosalina

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The small round man in a tailored uniform scuttles into the pitch black room. His eyes dart around as he glides inside. A shiver crawls down his spine as if this room was colder than the rest. He cautiously approaches the looming throne upon the stairs, a sneer upon his lips, "Master," he bows at the edge of the steps, "for you." The man, still bowing, holds out the envelop to the person in the thrown.

Eyes open in the darkness. The light grey pupils was eerily clear. The grey an unnaturally light color, as if clouds themselves were inside those sharp ambitious eyes.

The person takes it, gracefully, dangerously. The man stays bowed as the paper crinkles and the master takes their time reading.

"Is-is it what we were waiting for?" The servant asks hesitantly.

A slow grin widens in the darkness. "Yes. I do believe we have found our saving."

With a small shake, a gleaming red-orange rock falls into the hand of the figure on the throne. The rock pulses with a red energy, as if alive.

The servant, with his curiosity growing, slowly approaches the throne, "Is this the last one?"

"Indeed. It is the last one in their possession. One is missing and one is apparently destroyed," The husky voice of the master purrs.

"So the contract is complete?"

"It is... if we keep our end of the bargain."

"What if—," A pause as the henchman hesitates.

"Spit it out!" snaps the master, their eyes turning to a storming grey.

"What if— the King decides to retire? He is at his energy's edge. You know he wont live as long since you're not the real---"

"SHHHH!" The master whacks the man upon the head and lowly whispers, "The walls always have ears." The sinister smile returns to their lips, "Don't worry. The King won't retire as long as I'm here. Round up the Princes! It's time to speak about our lovely demon issue and start the planning of the Perish."


I love the wind. It's a strange thing to love. It snaps, it hisses, it roars, it wrecks, it changes. But... it is free. Impossible to catch, always on the run, never to be destroyed.

I close my eyes as the cool sea breeze whips my chocolate hair behind me.

Inhale. My favorite scent of pine, the ocean waves, and the fleeting sweet night air fill my senses.

Exhale. All that is left is emptiness.

I open my eyes to reality, gazing upon the glowing Milky Way.

I love the wind because it is when I escape, I pretend to fly, and I find peace in those brilliant stars sitting on the black blanket of sky. Hundreds of stars were out tonight. The moon casts its reflective silver glow upon the crashing waves as they fought to climb the cliff. This tree, at the edge of this forest, on the edge of a 100-foot-cliff that plunges into the icy wild depths below, was my brief escape.

My world isn't this oasis. No. No, my world is hell.

They'll be changing shifts soon. I think as I watch the moon touch the icy waves. With one last deep inhale, I jump off my favorite tree, plunging into the leaves below.

Unhurriedly, I follow the trail I created, making my way back to my tiny village. I stop on the hill overlooking my home. The first rays of sunshine begin to peak over the mountains that enclose the village, slowly but surely overtaking the shine of the moon.

I live in Clovencove, a small village in the Fire District under the 'protection' of the Vampire Fire Prince. Not that Princes ever visit these rural Faerie villages.

I look upon the last few flickering lights within the small village and then to the rising sun. Time to go. With a heavy sigh, I make my way towards my prison. I head towards the largest building in the village.

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