Ice Chapter 5: Injuries

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Hi guys! Early update because I have a very busy day tomorrow and I didn't want to forget!

Above is an image of what Dr. Kairo may look like!



My eyes snap open to the sound of a peaceful silence. The crickets were chirping again.

No screaming, not fighting, no crying. Just the sounds of the night.

I wince, slowly sitting up. Ohh god. Everything hurt. My head pounded. My bloodied pulsing hand touches my head and I hiss, my skin tender around a cut on my scalp. Well this sucks. I groan, trying to roll out a sprained shoulder but freeze as a sharp pain cuts across my limbs. Ah fuck...

I look around. Just trees surrounded me.

If only I could get a higher vantage point. My eyes gaze up to the tree branches and back to my scraped open hands, my burning wounds, and pulsing shoulder. Yep—Nope.

"AAAAMMBBEERR!" A voice calls far in the distance.

"O-over—." I collapse into a coughing fit. I grasp my chest, gritting my teeth against the pressure. What the hell? I cough harder, fine dirt leaving my mouth. My hoarse throat burns, "Over here!" I call out before another fit takes me.

A wind hits my features as someone super-speeds. I look up to see a curly-haired brunette vampire, "Amber!"

I give a weak nob, wince at the new pain shooting across me.

"Geezus, you look like sh*t." My features droop into dead pan glaze. Wow! I haven't noticed! I feel like sh*t too! Brandon walks over to me, kneeling by me.

"Thanks." I reply sarcastically instead though it hurt like hell. My voice was but a mere hoarse whisper, "Can't say you look much better." I cough again and glance the nasty bruise growing on his cheek and at copious amounts of blood on his shirt.

He chuckles uncomfortably, scratching the back of his head, "Well... it isn't mine..."

I blink at the amount of blood in his shirt. "Nope! Don't want to know!" Another cough.

Brandon smiles weakly, "Come on. Let's get you to camp. It's been a hell of a night." He wraps his hand around my shoulders and heaves me up. "AAH!" pain bursts with more viciously across my wounds, my body collapses in his arms.

"Whoah!" He barely catches me, giving me more support. He places my arm around his shoulder. I grimace at the action. "Ya, this is bad..." He looks around and sighs, "Its going to be a long walk but Kairo should have something for your wounds and pain once we reach camp. I can leave you here and—"

"No!" I interrupt him but explode into coughing. "No..." I groan, clutching my throbbing chest. "I want to go back. I-I-I need to see... I need... Are they ok?"

Brandon gently smiles, his warmth giving me a tad bit of energy. "All ok and accounted for." A pause, "Except for you."

I weakly raise my other good hand, "I-I'm p-present Mr. Teacher."

He chuckles and sighs, "Alright, we can take it slow."

And so begin our trek back to camp. Our progress slow as I could barely limp, every step burning as if the fires of hell were racing over me. He was surprisingly gentle and patient. We walked in silence.

Finally, after god knows how long, I could smell and see faint light from the fires from our encampment.

We stop at a large hill. My eyes slowly travel up. It was the hill that supported the upper platform of our encampment, where the vampires made camp. My vision darkens. Images flash into my mind of the moon before I toppled off and rolled down this hill. I wince at the memory.

Flames in the Moonlight (On hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora