Wind Chapter 2: Chosen

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The artwork is of some of the characters one will meet in this chapter! The drawing is just a reference and it does't necessarily mean the characters must look like this. 

**If you have a hard time viewing the image while on the desktop, click the image and select "open in a new tab"

Please enjoy!


"I want her." Echoes the Prince's deep voice across the yard.

"NO!" I scream, once again feeling my body fuel with fear for my sister. Red races into my vision as my fingers now burn. I push away from the men behind me, diving for the Prince.

But I was on the ground before I could blink!

The other attractive vampire super speeds me into the ground, his strength equaling the combined strength of the three men that were originally holding me to the ground. But my adrenaline and the pain in my fingertips gave me a renewed strength.

"YAH!" I yell, flipping in his grasp and ramming my fist into his sculpted jaw. He topples off me in surprise. I squirm to escape. My dress rips under his body weight as I stand. I turn towards the Prince, my fist flying, only to have it caught with ease.

I grunt, aiming my other punch. It was caught it the same ease. I hiss, trying to release my fists from the large warm palms of the Prince.

He smirks, as if holding the hands of a baby still. Fire and ice clash as our gazes hold. Two new bodies slam into me, dragging me to the ground, again. "Ack!"

I grit my teeth as my now barren legs scrap across the gravel, adding to the bruises I got from my previous tackles. I writhe, but now my captors were ready for my surprise attacks and managed to keep me pinned.

"And who is this?" The Prince asks from above me. These two were definitely much stronger. One was the attractive brunette and the other a chocolate-skinned man, also with gorgeous god-like features and strength. I struggle, trying to free my limbs. My head is pushed into the ground as my arms are bent behind me. "Down girl!" the deep soothing voice of the chocolate-skin man commands. I keep squirming, though the energy in my fingertips begins to subside.

"I'm so so sorry Prince! Your funding does go to t-training! Sh-she's usually not like—!"

The Vampire Prince raises his hand, silencing her. "I asked, who is this?"

Asteria holds her head high, feigning calmness. "This is Amber Moon, our... oldest girl."

I feel the Prince's dangerous silver eyes upon me as I continue to struggle, wriggling fruitlessly.



"Hmm..." A calculating pause, "Please bring out all faeries ages 6 to 17." He calmly commands with his strong voice. Everyone springs into action, running around like chickens without their heads. "And Nightworts," he turns towards the spooked clan on their frightened horses, "From what I recall, your Faerie to Vampire ratio is already over maximum, and your power to vampire ratio even more so," His voice calmly states, "I'm assuming you are here to enjoy the view. And if so, you would know that the sunrise is the most beautiful and that it is already over, therefore, so is your stay." His last word was poison filled.

"Y-y-yes! Of course Prince! B-beautiful sunrise! T-that's exactly what we were doing hahaha! " nervously answers the Beta as 'Alpha' Ogin was still in shock. "You heard our Prince, ride home!" commands the beta, turning his horse and galloping away into the nearby forest. The men in the orphan yard thankfully rush to their horses and follow in suit like scared chickens.

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